Viral and prion infections of the central nervous system (A80-A89)
A87: Viral meningitis

meningitis due to herpesvirus [herpes simplex] (B00.3)
meningitis due to herpesvirus [herpes simplex] (B00.3)
meningitis due to measles virus (B05.1)
meningitis due to mumps virus (B26.1)
meningitis due to poliomyelitis virus (A80.-)
meningitis due to zoster (B02.1)
A87.0: Enteroviral meningitis
A87.1: Adenoviral meningitis
A87.2: Lymphocytic choriomeningitis
A87.8: Other viral meningitis
A87.9: Viral meningitis, unspecified

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