BMI (body mass index)
25.0-25.9 V85.21
26.0-26.9 V85.22
27.0-27.9 V85.23
28.0-28.9 V85.24
29.0-29.9 V85.25
30.0-30.9 V85.30
31.0-31.9 V85.31
32.0-32.9 V85.32
33.0-33.9 V85.33
34.0-34.9 V85.34
35.0-35.9 V85.35
36.0-36.9 V85.36
37.0-37.9 V85.37
38.0-38.9 V85.38
39.0-39.9 V85.39
40.0-44.9 V85.41
45.0-49.9 V85.42
50.0-59.9 V85.43
60.0-69.9 V85.44
70 and over V85.45
between 19-24 V85.1
less than 19 V85.0
5th percentile to less than 85th percentile for age V85.52
85th percentile to less than 95th percentile for age V85.53
greater than or equal to 95th percentile for age V85.54
less than 5th percentile for age V85.51
