Cervicitis (acute) (chronic) (nonvenereal) (subacute) (with erosion or ectropion) 616.0
abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis
ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0
molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0
ulceration 616.0
chlamydial 099.53
complicating pregnancy or puerperium 646.6
affecting fetus or newborn 760.8
abortion 639.0
ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.0
gonococcal (acute) 098.15
chronic or duration of 2 months or more 098.35
senile (atrophic) 616.0
syphilitic 095.8
trichomonal 131.09
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.7
