with injury - see specific injury
arm NEC 354.9
artery 447.1
celiac, syndrome 447.4
brachial plexus 353.0
brain (stem) 348.4
due to
contusion, brain - see Contusion, brain
injury NEC - see also Hemorrhage, brain, traumatic
birth - see Birth, injury, brain
laceration, brain - see Laceration, brain
osteopathic 739.0
bronchus 519.19
by cicatrix - see Cicatrix
cardiac 423.9
cauda equina 344.60
with neurogenic bladder 344.61
celiac (artery) (axis) 447.4
cerebral - see Compression, brain
cervical plexus 353.2
cord (umbilical) - see Compression, umbilical cord
cranial nerve 352.9
second 377.49
third (partial) 378.51
total 378.52
fourth 378.53
fifth 350.8
sixth 378.54
seventh 351.8
divers' squeeze 993.3
duodenum (external) (see also Obstruction, duodenum) 537.3
during birth 767.9
esophagus 530.3
congenital, external 750.3
Eustachian tube 381.63
facies (congenital) 754.0
fracture - see Fracture, by site
heart - see Disease, heart
intestine (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9
with hernia - see Hernia, by site, with obstruction
laryngeal nerve, recurrent 478.79
leg NEC 355.8
lower extremity NEC 355.8
lumbosacral plexus 353.1
lung 518.89
lymphatic vessel 457.1
medulla - see Compression, brain
nerve NEC - see also Disorder, nerve
arm NEC 354.9
autonomic nervous system (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9
axillary 353.0
cranial NEC 352.9
due to displacement of intervertebral disc 722.2
with myelopathy 722.70
cervical 722.0
with myelopathy 722.71
lumbar, lumbosacral 722.10
with myelopathy 722.73
thoracic, thoracolumbar 722.11
with myelopathy 722.72
iliohypogastric 355.79
ilioinguinal 355.79
leg NEC 355.8
lower extremity NEC 355.8
median (in carpal tunnel) 354.0
obturator 355.79
optic 377.49
plantar 355.6
posterior tibial (in tarsal tunnel) 355.5
root (by scar tissue) NEC 724.9
cervical NEC 723.4
lumbar NEC 724.4
lumbosacral 724.4
thoracic 724.4
saphenous 355.79
sciatic (acute) 355.0
sympathetic 337.9
traumatic - see Injury, nerve
ulnar 354.2
upper extremity NEC 354.9
peripheral - see Compression, nerve
spinal (cord) (old or nontraumatic) 336.9
by displacement of intervertebral disc - see Displacement, intervertebral disc
root NEC 724.9
postoperative 722.80
cervical region 722.81
lumbar region 722.83
thoracic region 722.82
traumatic - see Injury, nerve, spinal
traumatic - see Injury, nerve, spinal
spondylogenic 721.91
cervical 721.1
lumbar, lumbosacral 721.42
thoracic 721.41
traumatic - see also Injury, spinal, by site
with fracture, vertebra - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury
spondylogenic - see Compression, spinal cord, spondylogenic
subcostal nerve (syndrome) 354.8
sympathetic nerve NEC 337.9
syndrome 958.5
thorax 512.89
iatrogenic 512.1
postoperative 512.1
trachea 519.19
congenital 748.3
ulnar nerve (by scar tissue) 354.2
umbilical cord
affecting fetus or newborn 762.5
cord prolapsed 762.4
complicating delivery 663.2
cord around neck 663.1
cord prolapsed 663.0
upper extremity NEC 354.9
ureter 593.3
urethra - see Stricture, urethra
vein 459.2
vena cava (inferior) (superior) 459.2
vertebral NEC - see Compression, spinal (cord)
