Congestion, congestive
asphyxia, newborn 768.9
bladder 596.89
bowel 569.89
brain (see also Disease, cerebrovascular NEC) 437.8
malarial 084.9
breast 611.79
bronchi 519.19
bronchial tube 519.19
catarrhal 472.0
cerebral - see Congestion, brain
cerebrospinal - see Congestion, brain
chest 786.9
chill 780.99
malarial (see also Malaria) 084.6
circulatory NEC 459.9
conjunctiva 372.71
due to disturbance of circulation 459.9
duodenum 537.3
enteritis - see Enteritis
eye 372.71
fibrosis syndrome (pelvic) 625.5
gastroenteritis - see Enteritis
general 799.89
glottis 476.0
heart (see also Failure, heart) 428.0
hepatic 573.0
hypostatic (lung) 514
intestine 569.89
intracranial - see Congestion, brain
kidney 593.89
labyrinth 386.50
larynx 476.0
liver 573.0
lung 786.9
active or acute (see also Pneumonia) 486
congenital 770.0
chronic 514
hypostatic 514
idiopathic, acute 518.52
passive 514
malaria, malarial (brain) (fever) (see also Malaria) 084.6
medulla - see Congestion, brain
nasal 478.19
nose 478.19
orbit, orbital 376.33
inflammatory (chronic) 376.10
acute 376.00
ovary 620.8
pancreas 577.8
pelvic, female 625.5
pleural 511.0
prostate (active) 602.1
pulmonary - see Congestion, lung
renal 593.89
retina 362.89
seminal vesicle 608.89
spinal cord 336.1
spleen 289.51
chronic 289.51
stomach 537.89
trachea 464.11
urethra 599.84
uterus 625.5
with subinvolution 621.1
viscera 799.89
