Convulsions (idiopathic) 780.39
apoplectiform (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436
brain 780.39
cerebral 780.39
cerebrospinal 780.39
due to trauma NEC - see Injury, intracranial
eclamptic (see also Eclampsia) 780.39
epileptic (see also Epilepsy) 345.9
epileptiform (see also Seizure, epileptiform) 780.39
epileptoid (see also Seizure, epileptiform) 780.39
correct substance properly administered 780.39
overdose or wrong substance given 968.2
other specified type - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
febrile (simple) 780.31
complex 780.32
generalized 780.39
hysterical 300.11
infantile 780.39
epilepsy - see Epilepsy
internal 780.39
jacksonian (see also Epilepsy) 345.5
myoclonic 333.2
newborn 779.0
paretic 094.1
pregnancy (nephritic) (uremic) - see Eclampsia, pregnancy
psychomotor (see also Epilepsy) 345.4
puerperal, postpartum - see Eclampsia, pregnancy
recurrent 780.39
epileptic - see Epilepsy
reflex 781.0
repetitive 780.39
epileptic - see Epilepsy
salaam (see also Epilepsy) 345.6
scarlatinal 034.1
spasmodic 780.39
tetanus, tetanic (see also Tetanus) 037
thymic 254.8
uncinate 780.39
uremic 586
