adult 995.80
emotional 995.82
multiple forms 995.85
neglect (nutritional) 995.84
physical 995.81
psychological 995.82
sexual 995.83
alcohol (see also Alcoholism) 305.0
dependent 303.9
nondependent 305.0
child 995.50
non-parent V62.83
parent V61.22
victim V61.21
emotional 995.51
multiple forms 995.59
neglect (nutritional) 995.52
physical 995.54
shaken infant syndrome 995.55
psychological 995.51
sexual 995.53
drugs, nondependent 305.9
Note Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with the following codes: 305.0, 305.2-305.9: 0 unspecified 1 continuous 2 episodic 3 in remission
amphetamine type 305.7
antidepressants 305.8
anxiolytic 305.4
barbiturates 305.4
caffeine 305.9
cannabis 305.2
cocaine type 305.6
hallucinogens 305.3
hashish 305.2
hypnotic 305.4
inhalant 305.9
LSD 305.3
marijuana 305.2
mixed 305.9
morphine type 305.5
opioid type 305.5
phencyclidine (PCP) 305.9
sedative 305.4
specified NEC 305.9
tranquilizers 305.4
spouse 995.80
tobacco 305.1
