Decrease, decreased
platelets (see also Thrombocytopenia) 287.5
pressure 796.3
due to shock following
injury 958.4
operation 998.00
white cell count 288.50
specified NEC 288.59
cardiac reserve - see Disease, heart
estrogen 256.39
postablative 256.2
fetal movements 655.7
fragility of erythrocytes 289.89
adrenal (cortex) 255.41
medulla 255.5
ovary in hypopituitarism 253.4
parenchyma of pancreas 577.8
pituitary (gland) (lobe) (anterior) 253.2
posterior (lobe) 253.8
functional activity 780.99
glucose 790.29
haptoglobin (serum) NEC 273.8
leukocytes 288.50
libido 799.81
lymphocytes 288.51
platelets (see also Thrombocytopenia) 287.5
pulse pressure 785.9
respiration due to shock following injury 958.4
sexual desire 799.81
tear secretion NEC 375.15
fat 579.8
salt and water 276.9
vision NEC 369.9
white blood cell count 288.50
