Defect, defective 759.9
3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 255.2
11-hydroxylase 255.2
21-hydroxylase 255.2
abdominal wall, congenital 756.70
aorticopulmonary septum 745.0
aortic septal 745.0
atrial septal (ostium secundum type) 745.5
acquired 429.71
ostium primum type 745.61
sinus venosus 745.8
canal 745.69
septum 745.4
acquired 429.71
atrium secundum 745.5
acquired 429.71
auricular septal 745.5
acquired 429.71
bilirubin excretion 277.4
biosynthesis, testicular androgen 257.2
bridge 525.60
bulbar septum 745.0
butanol-insoluble iodide 246.1
chromosome - see Anomaly, chromosome
circulation (acquired) 459.9
congenital 747.9
newborn 747.9
clotting NEC (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.9
coagulation (factor) (see also Deficiency, coagulation factor) 286.9
abortion - see Abortion, by type, with hemorrhage
ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 634-638) 639.1
molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.1
acquired (any) 286.7
antepartum or intrapartum 641.3
affecting fetus or newborn 762.1
causing hemorrhage of pregnancy or delivery 641.3
complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 649.3
due to
liver disease 286.7
vitamin K deficiency 286.7
newborn, transient 776.3
postpartum 666.3
specified type NEC 286.9
conduction (heart) 426.9
bone (see also Deafness, conductive) 389.00
congenital, organ or site NEC - see also Anomaly
circulation 747.9
Descemet's membrane 743.9
specified type NEC 743.49
diaphragm 756.6
ectodermal 757.9
esophagus 750.9
pulmonic cusps - see Anomaly, heart valve
respiratory system 748.9
specified type NEC 748.8
crown 525.60
cushion endocardial 745.60
dental restoration 525.60
dentin (hereditary) 520.5
Descemet's membrane (congenital) 743.9
acquired 371.30
specific type NEC 743.49
deutan 368.52
developmental - see also Anomaly, by site
cauda equina 742.59
left ventricle 746.9
with atresia or hypoplasia of aortic orifice or valve, with hypoplasia of ascending aorta 746.7
in hypoplastic left heart syndrome 746.7
testis 752.9
vessel 747.9
with elevation, eventration, or hernia - see Hernia, diaphragm
congenital 756.6
with elevation, eventration, or hernia 756.6
gross (with elevation, eventration, or hernia) 756.6
ectodermal, congenital 757.9
Eisenmenger's (ventricular septal defect) 745.4
endocardial cushion 745.60
specified type NEC 745.69
esophagus, congenital 750.9
extensor retinaculum 728.9
fibrin polymerization (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.3
biliary tract 793.3
bladder 793.5
dental 525.60
gallbladder 793.3
kidney 793.5
stomach 793.4
ureter 793.5
fossa ovalis 745.5
gene, carrier (suspected) of V83.89
Gerbode 745.4
glaucomatous, without elevated tension 365.89
Hageman (factor) (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.3
hearing (see also Deafness) 389.9
high grade 317
homogentisic acid 270.2
interatrial septal 745.5
acquired 429.71
interauricular septal 745.5
acquired 429.71
interventricular septal 745.4
with pulmonary stenosis or atresia, dextraposition of aorta, and hypertrophy of right ventricle 745.2
acquired 429.71
in tetralogy of Fallot 745.2
iodide trapping 246.1
iodotyrosine dehalogenase 246.1
kynureninase 270.2
learning, specific 315.2
major osseous 731.3
mental (see also Disability, intellectual) 319
osseous, major 731.3
osteochondral NEC 738.8
primum 745.61
secundum 745.5
pericardium 746.89
peroxidase-binding 246.1
placental blood supply - see Placenta, insufficiency
platelet (qualitative) 287.1
constitutional 286.4
postural, spine 737.9
protan 368.51
pulmonic cusps, congenital 746.00
renal pelvis 753.9
obstructive 753.29
specified type NEC 753.3
respiratory system, congenital 748.9
specified type NEC 748.8
retina, retinal 361.30
with detachment (see also Detachment, retina, with retinal defect) 361.00
multiple 361.33
with detachment 361.02
nerve fiber bundle 362.85
single 361.30
with detachment 361.01
septal (closure) (heart) NEC 745.9
acquired 429.71
atrial 745.5
specified type NEC 745.8
speech NEC 784.59
developmental 315.39
late effect of cerebrovascular disease - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease, speech and language deficit
secondary to organic lesion 784.59
Taussig-Bing (transposition, aorta and overriding pulmonary artery) 745.11
teeth, wedge 521.20
thyroid hormone synthesis 246.1
tritan 368.53
ureter 753.9
obstructive 753.29
vascular (acquired) (local) 459.9
congenital (peripheral) NEC 747.60
gastrointestinal 747.61
lower limb 747.64
renal 747.62
specified NEC 747.69
spinal 747.82
upper limb 747.63
ventricular septal 745.4
with pulmonary stenosis or atresia, dextraposition of aorta, and hypertrophy of right ventricle 745.2
acquired 429.71
atrioventricular canal type 745.69
between infundibulum and anterior portion 745.4
in tetralogy of Fallot 745.2
isolated anterior 745.4
vision NEC 369.9
visual field 368.40
arcuate 368.43
heteronymous, bilateral 368.47
homonymous, bilateral 368.46
localized NEC 368.44
nasal step 368.44
peripheral 368.44
sector 368.43
voice and resonance 784.40
wedge, teeth (abrasion) 521.20
