Deformity 738.9
abdomen, congenital 759.9
abdominal wall
acquired 738.8
congenital 756.70
muscle deficiency syndrome 756.79
acquired (unspecified site) 738.9
specified site NEC 738.8
adrenal gland (congenital) 759.1
alimentary tract, congenital 751.9
lower 751.5
specified type NEC 751.8
upper (any part, except tongue) 750.9
specified type NEC 750.8
tongue 750.10
specified type NEC 750.19
ankle (joint) (acquired) 736.70
abduction 718.47
congenital 755.69
contraction 718.47
specified NEC 736.79
anus (congenital) 751.5
acquired 569.49
aorta (congenital) 747.20
acquired 447.8
arch 747.21
acquired 447.8
coarctation 747.10
arch 747.21
acquired 447.8
cusp or valve (congenital) 746.9
acquired (see also Endocarditis, aortic) 424.1
ring 747.21
appendix 751.5
arm (acquired) 736.89
congenital 755.50
arteriovenous (congenital) (peripheral) NEC 747.60
gastrointestinal 747.61
lower limb 747.64
renal 747.62
specified NEC 747.69
spinal 747.82
upper limb 747.63
artery (congenital) (peripheral) NEC (see also Deformity, vascular) 747.60
acquired 447.8
cerebral 747.81
coronary (congenital) 746.85
acquired (see also Ischemia, heart) 414.9
retinal 743.9
umbilical 747.5
atrial septal (congenital) (heart) 745.5
auditory canal (congenital) (external) (see also Deformity, ear) 744.3
acquired 380.50
ear (congenital) (see also Deformity, ear) 744.3
acquired 380.32
heart (congenital) 746.9
back (acquired) - see Deformity, spine
Bartholin's duct (congenital) 750.9
bile duct (congenital) 751.60
acquired 576.8
with calculus, choledocholithiasis, or stones - see Choledocholithiasis
biliary duct or passage (congenital) 751.60
acquired 576.8
with calculus, choledocholithiasis, or stones - see Choledocholithiasis
bladder (neck) (sphincter) (trigone) (acquired) 596.89
congenital 753.9
bone (acquired) NEC 738.9
congenital 756.9
turbinate 738.0
boutonniere (finger) 736.21
brain (congenital) 742.9
acquired 348.89
multiple 742.4
reduction 742.2
vessel (congenital) 747.81
breast (acquired) 611.89
congenital 757.6
reconstructed 612.0
bronchus (congenital) 748.3
acquired 519.19
bursa, congenital 756.9
canal of Nuck 752.9
canthus (congenital) 743.9
acquired 374.89
capillary (acquired) 448.9
congenital NEC (see also Deformity, vascular) 747.60
cardiac - see Deformity, heart
cardiovascular system (congenital) 746.9
caruncle, lacrimal (congenital) 743.9
acquired 375.69
cascade, stomach 537.6
cecum (congenital) 751.5
acquired 569.89
cerebral (congenital) 742.9
acquired 348.89
cervix (acquired) (uterus) 622.8
congenital 752.40
cheek (acquired) 738.19
congenital 744.9
chest (wall) (acquired) 738.3
congenital 754.89
late effect of rickets 268.1
chin (acquired) 738.19
congenital 744.9
choroid (congenital) 743.9
acquired 363.8
plexus (congenital) 742.9
acquired 349.2
cicatricial - see Cicatrix
cilia (congenital) 743.9
acquired 374.89
circulatory system (congenital) 747.9
clavicle (acquired) 738.8
congenital 755.51
clitoris (congenital) 752.40
acquired 624.8
clubfoot - see Clubfoot
coccyx (acquired) 738.6
congenital 756.10
colon (congenital) 751.5
acquired 569.89
concha (ear) (congenital) (see also Deformity, ear) 744.3
acquired 380.32
congenital, organ or site not listed (see also Anomaly) 759.9
cornea (congenital) 743.9
acquired 371.70
coronary artery (congenital) 746.85
acquired (see also Ischemia, heart) 414.9
cranium (acquired) 738.19
congenital (see also Deformity, skull, congenital) 756.0
cricoid cartilage (congenital) 748.3
acquired 478.79
cystic duct (congenital) 751.60
acquired 575.8
Dandy-Walker 742.3
with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida) 741.0
diaphragm (congenital) 756.6
acquired 738.8
digestive organ(s) or system (congenital) NEC 751.9
specified type NEC 751.8
ductus arteriosus 747.0
duodenal bulb 537.89
duodenum (congenital) 751.5
acquired 537.89
dura (congenital) 742.9
brain 742.4
acquired 349.2
spinal 742.59
acquired 349.2
ear (congenital) 744.3
acquired 380.32
auricle 744.3
causing impairment of hearing 744.02
causing impairment of hearing 744.00
external 744.3
causing impairment of hearing 744.02
internal 744.05
lobule 744.3
middle 744.03
ossicles 744.04
ossicles 744.04
ectodermal (congenital) NEC 757.9
specified type NEC 757.8
ejaculatory duct (congenital) 752.9
acquired 608.89
elbow (joint) (acquired) 736.00
congenital 755.50
contraction 718.42
endocrine gland NEC 759.2
epididymis (congenital) 752.9
acquired 608.89
torsion 608.24
epiglottis (congenital) 748.3
acquired 478.79
esophagus (congenital) 750.9
acquired 530.89
Eustachian tube (congenital) NEC 744.3
specified type NEC 744.24
extremity (acquired) 736.9
congenital, except reduction deformity 755.9
lower 755.60
upper 755.50
reduction - see Deformity, reduction
eye (congenital) 743.9
acquired 379.8
muscle 743.9
eyebrow (congenital) 744.89
eyelid (congenital) 743.9
acquired 374.89
specified type NEC 743.62
face (acquired) 738.19
congenital (any part) 744.9
due to intrauterine malposition and pressure 754.0
fallopian tube (congenital) 752.10
acquired 620.8
femur (acquired) 736.89
congenital 755.60
with fetopelvic disproportion 653.7
affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
causing obstructed labor 660.1
affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
known or suspected, affecting management of pregnancy 655.9
finger (acquired) 736.20
boutonniere type 736.21
congenital 755.50
flexion contracture 718.44
swan neck 736.22
flexion (joint) (acquired) 736.9
congenital NEC 755.9
hip or thigh (acquired) 736.39
congenital (see also Subluxation, congenital, hip) 754.32
foot (acquired) 736.70
cavovarus 736.75
congenital 754.59
congenital NEC 754.70
specified type NEC 754.79
valgus (acquired) 736.79
congenital 754.60
specified type NEC 754.69
varus (acquired) 736.79
congenital 754.50
specified type NEC 754.59
forearm (acquired) 736.00
congenital 755.50
forehead (acquired) 738.19
congenital (see also Deformity, skull, congenital) 756.0
frontal bone (acquired) 738.19
congenital (see also Deformity, skull, congenital) 756.0
gallbladder (congenital) 751.60
acquired 575.8
gastrointestinal tract (congenital) NEC 751.9
acquired 569.89
specified type NEC 751.8
genitalia, genital organ(s) or system NEC
congenital 752.9
female (congenital) 752.9
acquired 629.89
external 752.40
internal 752.9
male (congenital) 752.9
acquired 608.89
globe (eye) (congenital) 743.9
acquired 360.89
gum (congenital) 750.9
acquired 523.9
gunstock 736.02
hand (acquired) 736.00
claw 736.06
congenital 755.50
minus (and plus) (intrinsic) 736.09
pill roller (intrinsic) 736.09
plus (and minus) (intrinsic) 736.09
swan neck (intrinsic) 736.09
head (acquired) 738.10
congenital (see also Deformity, skull, congenital) 756.0
specified NEC 738.19
heart (congenital) 746.9
auricle (congenital) 746.9
septum 745.9
auricular 745.5
specified type NEC 745.8
ventricular 745.4
valve (congenital) NEC 746.9
acquired - see Endocarditis
pulmonary (congenital) 746.00
specified type NEC 746.89
ventricle (congenital) 746.9
heel (acquired) 736.76
congenital 755.67
hepatic duct (congenital) 751.60
acquired 576.8
with calculus, choledocholithiasis, or stones - see Choledocholithiasis
hip (joint) (acquired) 736.30
congenital NEC 755.63
flexion 718.45
congenital (see also Subluxation, congenital, hip) 754.32
hourglass - see Contraction, hourglass
humerus (acquired) 736.89
congenital 755.50
hymen (congenital) 752.40
hypophyseal (congenital) 759.2
ileocecal (coil) (valve) (congenital) 751.5
acquired 569.89
ileum (intestine) (congenital) 751.5
acquired 569.89
ilium (acquired) 738.6
congenital 755.60
integument (congenital) 757.9
intervertebral cartilage or disc (acquired) - see also Displacement, intervertebral disc
congenital 756.10
intestine (large) (small) (congenital) 751.5
acquired 569.89
iris (acquired) 364.75
congenital 743.9
prolapse 364.89
ischium (acquired) 738.6
congenital 755.60
jaw (acquired) (congenital) NEC 524.9
due to intrauterine malposition and pressure 754.0
joint (acquired) NEC 738.8
congenital 755.9
contraction (abduction) (adduction) (extension) (flexion) - see Contraction, joint
kidney(s) (calyx) (pelvis) (congenital) 753.9
acquired 593.89
vessel 747.62
acquired 459.9
Klippel-Feil (brevicollis) 756.16
knee (acquired) NEC 736.6
congenital 755.64
labium (majus) (minus) (congenital) 752.40
acquired 624.8
lacrimal apparatus or duct (congenital) 743.9
acquired 375.69
larynx (muscle) (congenital) 748.3
acquired 478.79
web (glottic) (subglottic) 748.2
leg (lower) (upper) (acquired) NEC 736.89
congenital 755.60
reduction - see Deformity, reduction, lower limb
lens (congenital) 743.9
acquired 379.39
lid (fold) (congenital) 743.9
acquired 374.89
ligament (acquired) 728.9
congenital 756.9
limb (acquired) 736.9
congenital, except reduction deformity 755.9
lower 755.60
reduction (see also Deformity, reduction, lower limb) 755.30
upper 755.50
reduction (see also Deformity, reduction, lower limb) 755.20
specified NEC 736.89
lip (congenital) NEC 750.9
acquired 528.5
specified type NEC 750.26
liver (congenital) 751.60
acquired 573.8
duct (congenital) 751.60
acquired 576.8
with calculus, choledocholithiasis, or stones - see Choledocholithiasis
lower extremity - see Deformity, leg
lumbosacral (joint) (region) (congenital) 756.10
acquired 738.5
lung (congenital) 748.60
acquired 518.89
specified type NEC 748.69
lymphatic system, congenital 759.9
Madelung's (radius) 755.54
maxilla (acquired) (congenital) 524.9
meninges or membrane (congenital) 742.9
brain 742.4
acquired 349.2
spinal (cord) 742.59
acquired 349.2
mesentery (congenital) 751.9
acquired 568.89
metacarpus (acquired) 736.00
congenital 755.50
metatarsus (acquired) 736.70
congenital 754.70
middle ear, except ossicles (congenital) 744.03
ossicles 744.04
mitral (leaflets) (valve) (congenital) 746.9
acquired - see Endocarditis, mitral
Ebstein's 746.89
parachute 746.5
specified type NEC 746.89
stenosis, congenital 746.5
mouth (acquired) 528.9
congenital NEC 750.9
specified type NEC 750.26
multiple, congenital NEC 759.7
specified type NEC 759.89
muscle (acquired) 728.9
congenital 756.9
specified type NEC 756.89
sternocleidomastoid (due to intrauterine malposition and pressure) 754.1
musculoskeletal system, congenital NEC 756.9
specified type NEC 756.9
nail (acquired) 703.9
congenital 757.9
nasal - see Deformity, nose
neck (acquired) NEC 738.2
congenital (any part) 744.9
sternocleidomastoid 754.1
nervous system (congenital) 742.9
nipple (congenital) 757.6
acquired 611.89
nose, nasal (cartilage) (acquired) 738.0
bone (turbinate) 738.0
congenital 748.1
bent 754.0
squashed 754.0
saddle 738.0
syphilitic 090.5
septum 470
congenital 748.1
sinus (wall) (congenital) 748.1
acquired 738.0
syphilitic (congenital) 090.5
late 095.8
ocular muscle (congenital) 743.9
acquired 378.60
opticociliary vessels (congenital) 743.9
orbit (congenital) (eye) 743.9
acquired NEC 376.40
associated with craniofacial deformities 376.44
due to
bone disease 376.43
surgery 376.47
trauma 376.47
organ of Corti (congenital) 744.05
ovary (congenital) 752.0
acquired 620.8
oviduct (congenital) 752.10
acquired 620.8
palate (congenital) 750.9
acquired 526.89
cleft (congenital) (see also Cleft, palate) 749.00
hard, acquired 526.89
soft, acquired 528.9
pancreas (congenital) 751.7
acquired 577.8
parachute, mitral valve 746.5
parathyroid (gland) 759.2
parotid (gland) (congenital) 750.9
acquired 527.8
patella (acquired) 736.6
congenital 755.64
pelvis, pelvic (acquired) (bony) 738.6
with disproportion (fetopelvic) 653.0
affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
causing obstructed labor 660.1
affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
congenital 755.60
rachitic (late effect) 268.1
penis (glans) (congenital) 752.9
acquired 607.89
pericardium (congenital) 746.9
acquired - see Pericarditis
pharynx (congenital) 750.9
acquired 478.29
Pierre Robin (congenital) 756.0
pinna (acquired) 380.32
congenital 744.3
pituitary (congenital) 759.2
pleural folds (congenital) 748.8
portal vein (congenital) 747.40
posture - see Curvature, spine
prepuce (congenital) 752.9
acquired 607.89
prostate (congenital) 752.9
acquired 602.8
pulmonary valve - see Endocarditis, pulmonary
pupil (congenital) 743.9
acquired 364.75
pylorus (congenital) 750.9
acquired 537.89
rachitic (acquired), healed or old 268.1
radius (acquired) 736.00
congenital 755.50
reduction - see Deformity, reduction, upper limb
rectovaginal septum (congenital) 752.40
acquired 623.8
rectum (congenital) 751.5
acquired 569.49
reduction (extremity) (limb) 755.4
brain 742.2
lower limb 755.30
with complete absence of distal elements 755.31
longitudinal (complete) (partial) (with distal deficiencies, incomplete) 755.32
with complete absence of distal elements 755.31
combined femoral, tibial, fibular (incomplete) 755.33
femoral 755.34
fibular 755.37
metatarsal(s) 755.38
phalange(s) 755.39
meaning all digits 755.31
tarsal(s) 755.38
tibia 755.36
tibiofibular 755.35
transverse 755.31
upper limb 755.20
with complete absence of distal elements 755.21
longitudinal (complete) (partial) (with distal deficiencies, incomplete) 755.22
with complete absence of distal elements 755.21
carpal(s) 755.28
combined humeral, radial, ulnar (incomplete) 755.23
humeral 755.24
metacarpal(s) 755.28
phalange(s) 755.29
meaning all digits 755.21
radial 755.26
radioulnar 755.25
ulnar 755.27
transverse (complete) (partial) 755.21
renal - see Deformity, kidney
respiratory system (congenital) 748.9
specified type NEC 748.8
rib (acquired) 738.3
congenital 756.3
cervical 756.2
rotation (joint) (acquired) 736.9
congenital 755.9
hip or thigh 736.39
congenital (see also Subluxation, congenital, hip) 754.32
sacroiliac joint (congenital) 755.69
acquired 738.5
sacrum (acquired) 738.5
congenital 756.10
back 737.8
nose 738.0
syphilitic 090.5
salivary gland or duct (congenital) 750.9
acquired 527.8
scapula (acquired) 736.89
congenital 755.50
scrotum (congenital) 752.9
acquired 608.89
sebaceous gland, acquired 706.8
seminal tract or duct (congenital) 752.9
acquired 608.89
septum (nasal) (acquired) 470
congenital 748.1
shoulder (joint) (acquired) 736.89
congenital 755.50
specified type NEC 755.59
contraction 718.41
sigmoid (flexure) (congenital) 751.5
acquired 569.89
sinus of Valsalva 747.29
skin (congenital) 757.9
acquired NEC 709.8
skull (acquired) 738.19
congenital 756.0
anencephalus 740.0
encephalocele 742.0
hydrocephalus 742.3
with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida) 741.0
microcephalus 742.1
due to intrauterine malposition and pressure 754.0
soft parts, organs or tissues (of pelvis)
in pregnancy or childbirth NEC 654.9
affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
causing obstructed labor 660.2
affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
spermatic cord (congenital) 752.9
acquired 608.89
torsion 608.22
extravaginal 608.21
intravaginal 608.22
column - see Deformity, spine
cord (congenital) 742.9
acquired 336.8
vessel (congenital) 747.82
nerve root (congenital) 742.9
acquired 724.9
spine (acquired) NEC 738.5
congenital 756.10
due to intrauterine malposition and pressure 754.2
kyphoscoliotic (see also Kyphoscoliosis) 737.30
kyphotic (see also Kyphosis) 737.10
lordotic (see also Lordosis) 737.20
rachitic 268.1
scoliotic (see also Scoliosis) 737.30
acquired 289.59
congenital 759.0
Sprengel's (congenital) 755.52
sternum (acquired) 738.3
congenital 756.3
stomach (congenital) 750.9
acquired 537.89
submaxillary gland (congenital) 750.9
acquired 527.8
swan neck (acquired)
finger 736.22
hand 736.09
talipes - see Talipes
teeth, tooth NEC 520.9
testis (congenital) 752.9
acquired 608.89
torsion 608.20
thigh (acquired) 736.89
congenital 755.60
thorax (acquired) (wall) 738.3
congenital 754.89
late effect of rickets 268.1
thumb (acquired) 736.20
congenital 755.50
thymus (tissue) (congenital) 759.2
thyroid (gland) (congenital) 759.2
cartilage 748.3
acquired 478.79
tibia (acquired) 736.89
congenital 755.60
saber 090.5
toe (acquired) 735.9
congenital 755.66
specified NEC 735.8
tongue (congenital) 750.10
acquired 529.8
tooth, teeth NEC 520.9
trachea (rings) (congenital) 748.3
acquired 519.19
transverse aortic arch (congenital) 747.21
tricuspid (leaflets) (valve) (congenital) 746.9
acquired - see Endocarditis, tricuspid
atresia or stenosis 746.1
specified type NEC 746.89
trunk (acquired) 738.3
congenital 759.9
ulna (acquired) 736.00
congenital 755.50
upper extremity - see Deformity, arm
urachus (congenital) 753.7
ureter (opening) (congenital) 753.9
acquired 593.89
urethra (valve) (congenital) 753.9
acquired 599.84
urinary tract or system (congenital) 753.9
urachus 753.7
uterus (congenital) 752.39
acquired 621.8
uvula (congenital) 750.9
acquired 528.9
vagina (congenital) 752.40
acquired 623.8
valve, valvular (heart) (congenital) 746.9
acquired - see Endocarditis
pulmonary 746.00
specified type NEC 746.89
vascular (congenital) (peripheral) NEC 747.60
acquired 459.9
gastrointestinal 747.61
lower limb 747.64
renal 747.62
specified site NEC 747.69
spinal 747.82
upper limb 747.63
vas deferens (congenital) 752.9
acquired 608.89
vein (congenital) NEC (see also Deformity, vascular) 747.60
brain 747.81
coronary 746.9
great 747.40
vena cava (inferior) (superior) (congenital) 747.40
vertebra - see Deformity, spine
vesicourethral orifice (acquired) 596.89
congenital NEC 753.9
specified type NEC 753.8
vessels of optic papilla (congenital) 743.9
visual field (contraction) 368.45
vitreous humor (congenital) 743.9
acquired 379.29
vulva (congenital) 752.40
acquired 624.8
wrist (joint) (acquired) 736.00
congenital 755.50
contraction 718.43
valgus 736.03
congenital 755.59
varus 736.04
congenital 755.59
