AAT (alpha-1 antitrypsin) deficiency 273.4
AAV (disease) (illness) (infection) - see Human immunodeficiency virus (disease) (illness) (infection)
Abactio - see Abortion, induced
Abactus venter - see Abortion, induced
Abarognosis 781.99
Abasia (-astasia) 307.9
Abderhalden-Kaufmann-Lignac syndrome (cystinosis) 270.0
Abdomen, abdominal - see also condition
Abdominalgia 789.0
Abduction contracture, hip or other joint - see Contraction, joint
Abercrombie's syndrome (amyloid degeneration) 277.39
Aberrant (congenital) - see also Malposition, congenital
Aberration - see also Anomaly
Abetalipoproteinemia 272.5
Abionarce 780.79
Abiotrophy 799.89
Ablepharia, ablepharon, ablephary 743.62
Ablepsia - see Blindness
Ablepsy - see Blindness
Ablutomania 300.3
Abnormal, abnormality, abnormalities - see also Anomaly
Abnormally formed uterus - see Anomaly, uterus
Abnormity (any organ or part) - see Anomaly
Abocclusion 524.20
Abolition, language 784.69
Aborter, habitual or recurrent NEC
Abortion (complete) (incomplete) (inevitable) (with retained products of conception) 637.9
Abortus fever 023.9
Aboulomania 301.6
Abrachia 755.20
Abrachiatism 755.20
Abrachiocephalia 759.89
Abrachiocephalus 759.89
Abrami's disease (acquired hemolytic jaundice) 283.9
Abramov-Fiedler myocarditis (acute isolated myocarditis) 422.91
Abrasion - see also Injury, superficial, by site
Abrikossov's tumor (M9580/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign
Abrism 988.8
Abruption, placenta - see Placenta, abruptio
Abruptio placentae - see Placenta, abruptio
Abscess (acute) (chronic) (infectional) (lymphangitic) (metastatic) (multiple) (pyogenic) (septic) (with lymphangitis) (see also Cellulitis) 682.9
Absence (organ or part) (complete or partial)
Absentia epileptica (see also Epilepsy) 345.0
Absinthemia (see also Dependence) 304.6
Absinthism (see also Dependence) 304.6
Absorbent system disease 459.89
Abstinence symptoms or syndrome
Abt-Letterer-Siwe syndrome (acute histiocytosis X) (M9722/3) 202.5
Abulia 799.89
Abulomania 301.6
Acalcerosis 275.40
Acalcicosis 275.40
Acalculia 784.69
Acanthocheilonemiasis 125.4
Acanthocytosis 272.5
Acanthokeratodermia 701.1
Acantholysis 701.8
Acanthoma (benign) (M8070/0) - see also Neoplasm, by site, benign
Acanthosis (acquired) (nigricans) 701.2
Acanthrocytosis 272.5
Acapnia 276.3
Acarbia 276.2
Acardia 759.89
Arcadiacus amorphus 759.89
Acardiotrophia 429.1
Acardius 759.89
Acariasis 133.9
Acaridiasis 133.9
Acarinosis 133.9
Acariosis 133.9
Acarodermatitis 133.9
Acarophobia 300.29
Acatalasemia 277.89
Acatalasia 277.89
Acatamathesia 784.69
Acataphasia 784.59
Acathisia 781.0
Acceleration, accelerated
Accessory (congenital)
Accident, accidental - see also condition
Accouchement - see Delivery
Accreta placenta (without hemorrhage) 667.0
Accretio cordis (nonrheumatic) 423.1
Accretions on teeth 523.6
Accumulation secretion, prostate 602.8
Acephalia, acephalism, acephaly 740.0
Acephalic 740.0
Acephalobrachia 759.89
Acephalocardia 759.89
Acephalocardius 759.89
Acephalochiria 759.89
Acephalochirus 759.89
Acephalogaster 759.89
Acephalostomus 759.89
Acephalothorax 759.89
Acephalus 740.0
Acetonemia 790.6
Acetonglycosuria 982.8
Acetonuria 791.6
Achalasia 530.0
Achard-Thiers syndrome (adrenogenital) 255.2
Ache(s) - see Pain
Acheilia 750.26
Acheiria 755.21
Achillobursitis 726.71
Achillodynia 726.71
Achlorhydria, achlorhydric 536.0
Achloroblepsia 368.52
Achloropsia 368.52
Acholia 575.8
Acholuric jaundice (familial) (splenomegalic) (see also Spherocytosis) 282.0
Achondroplasia 756.4
Achrestic anemia 281.8
Achroacytosis, lacrimal gland 375.00
Achroma, cutis 709.00
Achromate (congenital) 368.54
Achromatopia 368.54
Achromatopsia (congenital) 368.54
Achylosis 536.8
Acidemia 276.2
Acidity, gastric (high) (low) 536.8
Acidocytopenia 288.59
Acidocytosis 288.3
Acidopenia 288.59
Acidosis 276.2
Aciduria 791.9
Acladiosis 111.8
Acleistocardia 745.5
Aclusion 524.4
Acmesthesia 782.0
Acne (pustular) (vulgaris) 706.1
Acneiform drug eruptions 692.3
Acnitis (primary) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0
Acomia 704.00
Acontractile bladder 344.61
Aconuresis (see also Incontinence) 788.30
Acosta's disease 993.2
Acousma 780.1
Acoustic - see condition
Acousticophobia 300.29
Acquired - see condition
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome - see Human immunodeficiency virus (disease) (illness) (infection)
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - see Human immunodeficiency virus (disease) (illness) (infection)
Acragnosis 781.99
Acrania 740.0
Acroagnosis 781.99
Acroangiodermatitis 448.9
Acroasphyxia, chronic 443.89
Acrobrachycephaly 756.0
Acrobystiolith 608.89
Acrobystitis 607.2
Acrocephalopolysyndactyly 755.55
Acrocephalosyndactyly 755.55
Acrocephaly 756.0
Acrochondrohyperplasia 759.82
Acrocyanosis 443.89
Acrodermatitis 686.8
Acrodynia 985.0
Acrodysplasia 755.55
Acrohyperhidrosis (see also Hyperhidrosis) 780.8
Acrokeratosis verruciformis 757.39
Acromastitis 611.0
Acromegaly, acromegalia (skin) 253.0
Acromelalgia 443.82
Acromicria, acromikria 756.59
Acronyx 703.0
Acropachy, thyroid (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9
Acropachyderma 757.39
Acroparesthesia 443.89
Acropathy thyroid (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9
Acrophobia 300.29
Acroposthitis 607.2
Acroscleriasis (see also Scleroderma) 710.1
Acroscleroderma (see also Scleroderma) 710.1
Acrosclerosis (see also Scleroderma) 710.1
Acrosphacelus 785.4
Acrosphenosyndactylia 755.55
Acrospiroma, eccrine (M8402/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign
Acrostealgia 732.9
Acrosyndactyly (see also Syndactylism) 755.10
Acrotrophodynia 991.4
Actinic - see also condition
Actinobacillosis, general 027.8
Actinocutitis NEC (see also Dermatitis, actinic) 692.70
Actinodermatitis NEC (see also Dermatitis, actinic) 692.70
Actinomycosis, actinomycotic 039.9
Actinoneuritis 357.89
Action, heart
Active - see condition
Activity decrease, functional 780.99
Acute - see also condition
Acyanoblepsia 368.53
Acyanopsia 368.53
Acystia 753.8
Acystinervia - see Neurogenic, bladder
Acystineuria - see Neurogenic, bladder
Adactylia, adactyly (congenital) 755.4
Adair-Dighton syndrome (brittle bones and blue sclera, deafness) 756.51
Adamantinoblastoma (M9310/0) - see Ameloblastoma
Adamantinoma (M9310/0) - see Ameloblastoma
Adamantoblastoma (M9310/0) - see Ameloblastoma
Adams-Stokes (-Morgagni) disease or syndrome (syncope with heart block) 426.9
Adaptation reaction (see also Reaction, adjustment) 309.9
Addiction - see also Dependence
Addison-Biermer anemia (pernicious) 281.0
Addison-Gull disease - see Xanthoma
Addisonian crisis or melanosis (acute adrenocortical insufficiency) 255.41
Additional - see also Accessory
Adduction contracture, hip or other joint - see Contraction, joint
ADEM (acute disseminated encephalomyelitis) (postinfectious) 136.9 [323.61]
Adenasthenia gastrica 536.0
Aden fever 061
Adenitis (see also Lymphadenitis) 289.3
Adenoacanthoma (M8570/3) - see Neoplasm, by site malignant
Adenoameloblastoma (M9300/0) 213.1
Adenocarcinoma (M8140/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant
Adenofibroma (M9013/0)
Adenoiditis 474.01
Adenoids (congenital) (of nasal fossa) 474.9
Adenolipomatosis (symmetrical) 272.8
Adenolymphoma (M8561/0)
Adenoma (sessile) (M8140/0) - see also Neoplasm, by site, benign
Adenomatosis (M8220/0)
Adenomyoma (M8932/0) - see also Neoplasm, by site, benign
Adenomyometritis 617.0
Adenomyosis (uterus) (internal) 617.0
Adenopathy (lymph gland) 785.6
Adenopharyngitis 462
Adenophlegmon 683
Adenosalpingitis 614.1
Adenosarcoma (M8960/3) 189.0
Adenosclerosis 289.3
Adentia (complete) (partial) (see also Absence, teeth) 520.0
Adhesion(s), adhesive (postinfectional) (postoperative)
Adie (-Holmes) syndrome (tonic pupillary reaction) 379.46
Adiponecrosis neonatorum 778.1
Adiposa dolorosa 272.8
Adiposalgia 272.8
Adiposity 278.02
Adiposogenital dystrophy 253.8
Administration, prophylactic
Admission (encounter)
Adnexitis (suppurative) (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) 614.2
Adolescence NEC V21.2
Adrenal gland - see condition
Adrenalism 255.9
Adrenalitis, adrenitis 255.8
Adrenarche, precocious 259.1
Adrenocortical syndrome 255.2
Adrenogenital syndrome (acquired) (congenital) 255.2
Adrenoleukodystrophy 277.86
Adrenomyeloneuropathy 277.86
Adventitious bursa - see Bursitis
Adynamia (episodica) (hereditary) (periodic) 359.3
Aeration lung, imperfect, newborn 770.5
Aerobullosis 993.3
Aerocele - see Embolism, air
Aerodontalgia 993.2
Aeroembolism 993.3
Aerogenes capsulatus infection (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0
Aero-otitis media 993.0
Aerophagy, aerophagia 306.4
Aerosinusitis 993.1
Aerotitis 993.0
Affection, affections - see also Disease
Afibrinogenemia 286.3
Aftercare V58.9
After-cataract 366.50
Agalactia 676.4
Agammaglobulinemia 279.00
Aganglionosis (bowel) (colon) 751.3
Age (old) (see also Senile) 797
Agenesis - see also Absence, by site, congenital
Ageusia (see also Disturbance, sensation) 781.1
Aggressiveness 301.3
Aggressive outburst (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.0
Aging skin 701.8
Agitated - see condition
Agitation 307.9
Aglossia (congenital) 750.11
Aglycogenosis 271.0
Agnail (finger) (with lymphangitis) 681.02
Agnosia (body image) (tactile) 784.69
Agoraphobia 300.22
Agrammatism 784.69
Agranulocytopenia (see also Agranulocytosis) 288.09
Agranulocytosis (see also Neutropenia) 288.09
Agraphia (absolute) 784.69
Agrypnia (see also Insomnia) 780.52
Ague (see also Malaria) 084.6
Agyria 742.2
AHTR (acute hemolytic transfusion reaction) - see Complications, transfusion
Ahumada-del Castillo syndrome (nonpuerperal galactorrhea and amenorrhea) 253.1
AIDS 042
AIDS-associated retrovirus (disease) (illness) 042
AIDS-associated virus (disease) (illness) 042
AIDS-like disease (illness) (syndrome) 042
AIDS-related complex 042
AIDS-related conditions 042
AIDS-related virus (disease) (illness) 042
AIDS virus (disease) (illness) 042
Ailment, heart - see Disease, heart
Ailurophobia 300.29
AIN I (anal intraepithelial neoplasia I) (histologically confirmed) 569.44
AIN II (anal intraepithelial neoplasia II) (histologically confirmed) 569.44
AIN III (anal intraepithelial neoplasia III) 230.6
Ainhum (disease) 136.0
AIPHI (acute idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage in infants (over 28 days old)) 786.31
Airplane sickness 994.6
Akathisia, acathisia 781.0
Akinesia algeria 352.6
Akiyami 100.89
Akureyri disease (epidemic neuromyasthenia) 049.8
Alacrima (congenital) 743.65
Alactasia (hereditary) 271.3
Alagille syndrome 759.89
Alalia 784.3
Alaninemia 270.8
Alastrim 050.1
Albarrán's disease (colibacilluria) 791.9
Albers-Schönberg's disease (marble bones) 756.52
Albert's disease 726.71
Albinism, albino (choroid) (cutaneous) (eye) (generalized) (isolated) (ocular) (oculocutaneous) (partial) 270.2
Albinismus 270.2
Albright (-Martin) (-Bantam) disease (pseudohypoparathyroidism) 275.49
Albright (-McCune) (-Sternberg) syndrome (osteitis fibrosa disseminata) 756.59
Albuminous - see Condition
Albuminuria, albuminuric (acute) (chronic) (subacute) 791.0
Albumosuria 791.0
Alcaptonuria 270.2
Alcohol, alcoholic
Alcoholism 303.9
Alder's anomaly or syndrome (leukocyte granulation anomaly) 288.2
Alder-Reilly anomaly (leukocyte granulation) 288.2
Aldosteronism (primary) 255.10
Aldosteronoma (M8370/1) 237.2
Aldrich (-Wiskott) syndrome (eczema-thrombocytopenia) 279.12
Aleppo boil 085.1
Aleukemic - see condition
Alexia (congenital) (developmental) 315.01
Algoneurodystrophy 733.7
Algophobia 300.29
Alibert's disease (mycosis fungoides) (M9700/3) 202.1
Alibert-Bazin disease (M9700/3) 202.1
Alice in Wonderland syndrome 293.89
Alienation, mental (see also Psychosis) 298.9
Alkalemia 276.3
Alkalosis 276.3
Alkaptonuria 270.2
Allen-Masters syndrome 620.6
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis 518.6
Allergy, allergic (reaction) 995.3
Allescheriosis 117.6
Alligator skin disease (ichthyosis congenita) 757.1
Allocheiria, allochiria (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0
Almeida's disease (Brazilian blastomycosis) 116.1
Alopecia (atrophicans) (pregnancy) (premature) (senile) 704.00
Alpers' disease 330.8
Alpha-lipoproteinemia 272.4
Alpha thalassemia 282.43
Alphos 696.1
Alpine sickness 993.2
Alport's syndrome (hereditary hematurianephropathy-deafness) 759.89
ALPS (autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome) 279.41
ALTE (apparent life threatening event) in newborn and infant 799.82
Alteration (of), altered
Alternaria (infection) 118
Alternating - see condition
Altitude, high (effects) - see Effect, adverse, high altitude
Aluminosis (of lung) 503
Alvarez syndrome (transient cerebral ischemia) 435.9
Alveolar capillary block syndrome 516.64
Alveolus, alveolar - see condition
Alymphocytosis (pure) 279.2
Alymphoplasia, thymic 279.2
Amastia (see also Absence, breast) 611.89
Amaurosis (acquired) (congenital) (see also Blindness) 369.00
Amaurotic familial idiocy (infantile) (juvenile) (late) 330.1
Ambisexual 752.7
Amblyopia (acquired) (congenital) (partial) 368.00
Ameba, amebic (histolytica) - see also Amebiasis
Amebiasis NEC 006.9
Ameboma 006.8
Amelia 755.4
Ameloblastoma (M9310/0) 213.1
Amelogenesis imperfecta 520.5
Amenorrhea (primary) (secondary) 626.0
Amentia (see also Disability, intellectual) 319
Ametropia (see also Disorder, accommodation) 367.9
Amianthosis 501
Amimia 784.69
Amino acid
Aminoaciduria 270.9
Amnesia (retrograde) 780.93
Amnestic (confabulatory) syndrome 294.0
Amniocentesis screening (for) V28.2
Amnion, amniotic - see also condition
Amnionitis (complicating pregnancy) 658.4
Amoral trends 301.7
Amotio retinae (see also Detachment, retina) 361.9
Amputee (bilateral) (old) - see also Absence, by site, acquired V49.70
Amusia 784.69
Amyelencephalus 740.0
Amyelia 742.59
Amygdalitis - see Tonsillitis
Amygdalolith 474.8
Amyloid disease or degeneration 277.30
Amyloidosis (familial) (general) (generalized) (genetic) (primary) 277.30
Amylopectinosis (brancher enzyme deficiency) 271.0
Amylophagia 307.52
Amyoplasia, congenita 756.89
Amyotonia 728.2
Amyotrophia, amyotrophy, amyotrophic 728.2
Anacidity, gastric 536.0
Anaerosis of newborn 770.88
Analbuminemia 273.8
Analgesia (see also Anesthesia) 782.0
Analphalipoproteinemia 272.5
Anaphylactic reaction or shock (correct substance properly administered) 995.0
Anaphylactoid reaction or shock - see Anaphylactic reaction or shock
Anaphylaxis - see Anaphylactic reaction or shock
Anaplasia, cervix 622.10
Anaplasmosis, human 082.49
Anarthria 784.51
Anarthritic rheumatoid disease 446.5
Anasarca 782.3
Anaspadias 752.62
Anatomical narrow angle (glaucoma) 365.02
Ancylostoma (infection) (infestation) 126.9
Ancylostomiasis (intestinal) 126.9
Anders' disease or syndrome (adiposis tuberosa simplex) 272.8
Andersen's glycogen storage disease 271.0
Anderson's disease 272.7
Andes disease 993.2
Andrews' disease (bacterid) 686.8
Androblastoma (M8630/1)
Android pelvis 755.69
Anectasis, pulmonary (newborn or fetus) 770.5
Anemia 285.9
Anencephalus, anencephaly 740.0
Anergasia (see also Psychosis, organic) 294.9
Anesthesia, anesthetic 782.0
Anetoderma (maculosum) 701.3
Aneuploidy NEC 758.5
Aneurin deficiency 265.1
Aneurysm (anastomotic) (artery) (cirsoid) (diffuse) (false) (fusiform) (multiple) (ruptured) (saccular) (varicose) 442.9
Angiectasis 459.89
Angiectopia 459.9
Angiitis 447.6
Angina (attack) (cardiac) (chest) (effort) (heart) (pectoris) (syndrome) (vasomotor) 413.9
Angioblastoma (M9161/1) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior
Angiocholecystitis (see also Cholecystitis, acute) 575.0
Angiocholitis (see also Cholecystitis, acute) 576.1
Angiodysgensis spinalis 336.1
Angiodysplasia (intestinalis) (intestine) 569.84
Angioedema (allergic) (any site) (with urticaria) 995.1
Angioendothelioma (M9130/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior
Angiofibroma (M9160/0) - see also Neoplasm, by site, benign
Angiohemophilia (A) (B) 286.4
Angioid streaks (choroid) (retina) 363.43
Angiokeratoma (M9141/0) - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign
Angioleiomyoma (M8894/0) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign
Angioleucitis 683
Angiolipoma (M8861/0) (see also Lipoma, by site) 214.9
Angioma (M9120/0) (see also Hemangioma, by site) 228.00
Angiomatosis 757.32
Angiomyolipoma (M8860/0)
Angiomyoliposarcoma (M8860/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Angiomyoma (M8894/0) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign
Angiomyosarcoma (M8894/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Angioneurosis 306.2
Angioneurotic edema (allergic) (any site) (with urticaria) 995.1
Angiopathia, angiopathy 459.9
Angiosarcoma (M9120/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Angiosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis
Angioscotoma, enlarged 368.42
Angiospasm 443.9
Angiospastic disease or edema 443.9
Anguillulosis 127.2
Angulus infectiosus 686.8
Anhedonia 780.99
Anhidrosis (lid) (neurogenic) (thermogenic) 705.0
Anhydration 276.51
Anhydremia 276.52
Anidrosis 705.0
Aniridia (congenital) 743.45
Anisakiasis (infection) (infestation) 127.1
Anisakis larva infestation 127.1
Aniseikonia 367.32
Anisocoria (pupil) 379.41
Anisocytosis 790.09
Anisometropia (congenital) 367.31
Ankle - see condition
Ankyloblepharon (acquired) (eyelid) 374.46
Ankylodactly (see also Syndactylism) 755.10
Ankyloglossia 750.0
Ankylosis (fibrous) (osseous) 718.50
Ankylostoma - see Ancylostoma
Ankylostomiasis (intestinal) - see Ancylostomiasis
Ankylurethria (see also Stricture, urethra) 598.9
Annular - see also condition
Anodontia (complete) (partial) (vera) 520.0
Anomaly, anomalous (congenital) (unspecified type) 759.9
Anomia 784.69
Anonychia 757.5
Anophthalmos, anophthalmus (clinical) (congenital) (globe) 743.00
Anopsia (altitudinal) (quadrant) 368.46
Anorchia 752.89
Anorchism, anorchidism 752.89
Anorexia 783.0
Anosmia (see also Disturbance, sensation) 781.1
Anosognosia 780.99
Anosphrasia 781.1
Anosteoplasia 756.50
Anotia 744.09
Anovulatory cycle 628.0
Anoxemia 799.02
Anoxia 799.02
Anteflexion - see Anteversion
Antepartum - see condition
Anterior - see also condition
Antero-occlusion 524.24
Anthracosilicosis (occupational) 500
Anthracosis (lung) (occupational) 500
Anthrax 022.9
Anthropoid pelvis 755.69
Anthropophobia 300.29
Antibioma, breast 611.0
Antimongolism syndrome 758.39
Antimonial cholera 985.4
Antisocial personality 301.7
Antithrombinemia (see also Circulating anticoagulants) 286.59
Antithromboplastinemia (see also Circulating anticoagulants) 286.59
Antithromboplastinogenemia (see also Circulating anticoagulants) 286.59
Antitoxin complication or reaction - see Complications, vaccination
Anton (-Babinski) syndrome (hemiasomatognosia) 307.9
Antritis (chronic) 473.0
Antrum, antral - see condition
Anuria 788.5
Anus, anal - see also condition
Anusitis 569.49
Anxiety (neurosis) (reaction) (state) 300.00
Aorta, aortic - see condition
Aortectasia (see also Ectasia, aortic) 447.70
Aortitis (nonsyphilitic) 447.6
Apathetic 799.25
Apathy 799.25
Apepsia 536.8
Aperistalsis, esophagus 530.0
Apert's syndrome (acrocephalosyndactyly) 755.55
Apert-Gallais syndrome (adrenogenital) 255.2
Apertognathia 524.20
Aphagia 787.20
Aphakia (acquired) (bilateral) (postoperative) (unilateral) 379.31
Aphalangia (congenital) 755.4
Aphasia (amnestic) (ataxic) (auditory) (Broca's) (choreatic) (classic) (expressive) (global) (ideational) (ideokinetic) (ideomotor) (jargon) (motor) (nominal) (receptive) (semantic) (sensory) (syntactic) (verbal) (visual) (Wernicke's) 784.3
Aphemia 784.3
Aphonia 784.41
Aphthae, aphthous - see also condition
Apical - see condition
Apical ballooning syndrome 429.83
Aplasia - see also Agenesis
Apleuria 756.3
Apnea, apneic (spells) 786.03
Apneumatosis newborn 770.4
Apodia 755.31
Apophysitis (bone) (see also Osteochondrosis) 732.9
Apoplectiform convulsions (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436
Apoplexia, apoplexy, apoplectic (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436
Appendicitis 541
Appendiclausis 543.9
Appendicolithiasis 543.9
Appendicopathia oxyurica 127.4
Appendix, appendicular - see also condition
Apprehension, apprehensiveness (abnormal) (state) 300.00
Approximal wear 521.10
Apraxia (classic) (ideational) (ideokinetic) (ideomotor) (motor) 784.69
Aptyalism 527.7
Aqueous misdirection 365.83
Arabicum elephantiasis (see also Infestation, filarial) 125.9
Arachnidism 989.5
Arachnitis - see Meningitis
Arachnodactyly 759.82
Arachnoidism 989.5
Arachnoiditis (acute) (adhesive) (basic) (brain) (cerebrospinal) (chiasmal) (chronic) (spinal) (see also Meningitis) 322.9
Araneism 989.5
Arboencephalitis, Australian 062.4
Arborization block (heart) 426.6
Arbor virus, arbovirus (infection) NEC 066.9
ARC 042
Arches - see condition
Arcuate uterus 752.36
Arcuatus uterus 752.36
Arcus (cornea)
Arc-welders' lung 503
Arc-welders' syndrome (photokeratitis) 370.24
Areflexia 796.1
Areola - see condition
Argentaffinoma (M8241/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior
Argentinian hemorrhagic fever 078.7
Arginosuccinicaciduria 270.6
Argonz-Del Castillo syndrome (nonpuerperal galactorrhea and amenorrhea) 253.1
Argyll-Robertson phenomenon, pupil, or syndrome (syphilitic) 094.89
Argyria, argyriasis NEC 985.8
Arhinencephaly 742.2
Arias-Stella phenomenon 621.30
Ariboflavinosis 266.0
Arizona enteritis 008.1
Arm - see condition
Armenian disease 277.31
Arnold-Chiari obstruction or syndrome (see also Spina bifida) 741.0
Arrest, arrested
Arrhenoblastoma (M8630/1)
Arrhinencephaly 742.2
Arrhythmia (auricle) (cardiac) (cordis) (gallop rhythm) (juvenile) (nodal) (reflex) (sinus) (supraventricular) (transitory) (ventricle) 427.9
Arrillaga-Ayerza syndrome (pulmonary artery sclerosis with pulmonary hypertension) 416.0
Arsenism 985.1
Arterial - see condition
Arteriectasis 447.8
Arteriofibrosis - see Arteriosclerosis
Arteriolar sclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis
Arteriolith - see Arteriosclerosis
Arteriolitis 447.6
Arteriolosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis
Arterionephrosclerosis (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90
Arteriopathy 447.9
Arteriosclerosis, arteriosclerotic (artery) (deformans) (diffuse) (disease) (endarteritis) (general) (obliterans) (obliterative) (occlusive) (senile) (with calcification) 440.9
Arteriospasm 443.9
Arteriovenous - see condition
Arteritis 447.6
Artery, arterial - see condition
Arthralgia (see also Pain, joint) 719.4
Arthritis, arthritic (acute) (chronic) (subacute) 716.9
Arthrocele (see also Effusion, joint) 719.0
Arthrochondritis - see Arthritis
Arthrodesis status V45.4
Arthrodynia (see also Pain, joint) 719.4
Arthrodysplasia 755.9
Arthrofibrosis, joint (see also Ankylosis) 718.5
Arthrogryposis 728.3
Arthrokatadysis 715.35
Arthrolithiasis 274.00
Arthro-onychodysplasia 756.89
Arthro-osteo-onychodysplasia 756.89
Arthropathy (see also Arthritis) 716.9
Arthrophyte (see also Loose, body, joint) 718.1
Arthrophytis 719.80
Arthropyosis (see also Arthritis, pyogenic) 711.0
Arthroscopic surgical procedure converted to open procedure V64.43
Arthrosis (deformans) (degenerative) (see also Osteoarthrosis) 715.9
Arthus phenomenon 995.21
Articular - see also condition
ARV (disease) (illness) (infection) - see Human immunodeficiency virus (disease) (illness) (infection)
Arytenoid - see condition
Asbestosis (occupational) 501
Asboe-Hansen's disease (incontinentia pigmenti) 757.33
Ascariasis (intestinal) (lung) 127.0
Ascaridiasis 127.0
Ascaridosis 127.0
Ascaris 127.0
Ascending - see condition
Aschoff's bodies (see also Myocarditis, rheumatic) 398.0
Ascites 789.59
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) deficiency (scurvy) 267
ASC-US (atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance)
ASC-H (atypical squamous cells cannot exclude high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion)
ASCVD (arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease) 429.2
Aseptic - see condition
Asherman's syndrome 621.5
Asialia 527.7
Asiatic cholera (see also Cholera) 001.9
Asocial personality or trends 301.7
Asomatognosia 781.8
Aspergillosis 117.3
Aspergillus (flavus) (fumigatus) (infection) (terreus) 117.3
Aspermatogenesis 606.0
Aspermia (testis) 606.0
Asphyxia, asphyxiation (by) 799.01
Asplenia 759.0
Assam fever 085.0
Assimilation, pelvis
Assmann's focus (see also Tuberculosis) 011.0
Astasia (-abasia) 307.9
Asteatosis 706.8
Astereognosis 780.99
Asterixis 781.3
Asteroid hyalitis 379.22
Asthenia, asthenic 780.79
Asthenopia 368.13
Asthenospermia 792.2
Asthma, asthmatic (bronchial) (catarrh) (spasmodic) 493.9
Astigmatism (compound) (congenital) 367.20
Astroblastoma (M9430/3)
Astrocytoma (cystic) (M9400/3)
Astroglioma (M9400/3)
Asymbolia 784.60
Asymmetrical breathing 786.09
Asymmetry - see also Distortion
Asynergia 781.3
Asynergy 781.3
Asystole (heart) (see also Arrest, cardiac) 427.5
At risk for falling V15.88
Ataxia, ataxy, ataxic 781.3
Ataxia-telangiectasia 334.8
Atelectasis (absorption collapse) (complete) (compression) (massive) (partial) (postinfective) (pressure collapse) (pulmonary) (relaxation) 518.0
Ateleiosis, ateliosis 253.3
Atelia - see Distortion
Ateliosis 253.3
Atelocardia 746.9
Atelomyelia 742.59
Athelia 757.6
Atheroma, atheromatous (see also Arteriosclerosis) 440.9
Atheromatosis - see also Arteriosclerosis
Atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis
Athetosis (acquired) 781.0
Athletic team examination V70.3
Athrepsia 261
Athyrea (acquired) (see also Hypothyroidism) 244.9
Athyreosis (congenital) 243
Athyroidism (acquired) (see also Hypothyroidism) 244.9
Atmospheric pyrexia 992.0
Atonia, atony, atonic
Atopy NEC V15.09
Atransferrinemia, congenital 273.8
Atresia, atretic (congenital) 759.89
Atrichia, atrichosis 704.00
Atrioventricularis commune 745.69
Atrophia - see also Atrophy
Atrophoderma, atrophodermia 701.9
Atrophy, atrophic
Attention to
Atypical - see also condition
Atypism, cervix 622.10
Audible tinnitus (see also Tinnitus) 388.30
Auditory - see condition
Audry's syndrome (acropachyderma) 757.39
Aujeszky's disease 078.89
Aurantiasis, cutis 278.3
Auricle, auricular - see condition
Auriculotemporal syndrome 350.8
Autism, autistic (child) (infantile) 299.0
Autodigestion 799.89
Autoerythrocyte sensitization 287.2
Autographism 708.3
Autoinfection, septic - see Septicemia
Autointoxication 799.89
Automatism 348.89
Autonomic, autonomous
Autophony 388.40
Autosensitivity, erythrocyte 287.2
Autotopagnosia 780.99
Autotoxemia 799.89
Autumn - see condition
Avellis' syndrome 344.89
Avitaminosis (multiple NEC) (see also Deficiency, vitamin) 269.2
Avulsion (traumatic) 879.8
Awaiting organ transplant status V49.83
Awareness of heart beat 785.1
Axe grinders' disease 502
Axenfeld's anomaly or syndrome 743.44
Axilla, axillary - see also condition
Axonotmesis - see Injury, nerve, by site
Ayala's disease 756.89
Ayerza's disease or syndrome (pulmonary artery sclerosis with pulmonary hypertension) 416.0
Azoospermia 606.0
Azorean disease (of the nervous system) 334.8
Azotemia 790.6
Aztec ear 744.29
Azygos lobe, lung (fissure) 748.69
