Adhesion(s), adhesive (postinfectional) (postoperative)
abdominal (wall) (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
amnion to fetus 658.8
affecting fetus or newborn 762.8
appendix 543.9
arachnoiditis - see Meningitis
auditory tube (Eustachian) 381.89
bands - see also Adhesions, peritoneum
cervix 622.3
uterus 621.5
bile duct (any) 576.8
bladder (sphincter) 596.89
bowel (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
cardiac 423.1
rheumatic 398.99
cecum (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
cervicovaginal 622.3
congenital 752.49
postpartal 674.8
old 622.3
cervix 622.3
clitoris 624.4
colon (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
common duct 576.8
congenital - see also Anomaly, specified type NEC
fingers (see also Syndactylism, fingers) 755.11
labium (majus) (minus) 752.49
omental, anomalous 751.4
ovary 752.0
peritoneal 751.4
toes (see also Syndactylism, toes) 755.13
tongue (to gum or roof of mouth) 750.12
conjunctiva (acquired) (localized) 372.62
congenital 743.63
extensive 372.63
cornea - see Opacity, cornea
cystic duct 575.8
diaphragm (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
due to foreign body - see Foreign body
duodenum (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
with obstruction 537.3
ear, middle - see Adhesions, middle ear
epididymis 608.89
epidural - see Adhesions, meninges
epiglottis 478.79
Eustachian tube 381.89
eyelid 374.46
postoperative 997.99
surgically created V45.69
gallbladder (see also Disease, gallbladder) 575.8
globe 360.89
heart 423.1
rheumatic 398.99
ileocecal (coil) (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
ileum (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
intestine (postoperative) (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
with obstruction 560.81
with hernia - see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction
gangrenous - see Hernia, by site, with gangrene
intra-abdominal (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
iris 364.70
to corneal graft 996.79
joint (see also Ankylosis) 718.5
kidney 593.89
labium (majus) (minus), congenital 752.49
liver 572.8
lung 511.0
mediastinum 519.3
meninges 349.2
cerebral (any) 349.2
congenital 742.4
congenital 742.8
spinal (any) 349.2
congenital 742.59
tuberculous (cerebral) (spinal) (see also Tuberculosis, meninges) 013.0
mesenteric (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
middle ear (fibrous) 385.10
drum head 385.19
incus 385.11
promontorium 385.13
stapes 385.12
specified NEC 385.19
nasal (septum) (to turbinates) 478.19
nerve NEC 355.9
spinal 355.9
root 724.9
cervical NEC 723.4
lumbar NEC 724.4
lumbosacral 724.4
thoracic 724.4
ocular muscle 378.60
omentum (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
organ or site, congenital NEC - see Anomaly, specified type NEC
ovary 614.6
congenital (to cecum, kidney, or omentum) 752.0
parauterine 614.6
parovarian 614.6
pelvic (peritoneal)
female (postoperative) (postinfection) 614.6
male (postoperative) (postinfection) (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
postpartal (old) 614.6
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.9
penis to scrotum (congenital) 752.69
periappendiceal (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
pericardium (nonrheumatic) 423.1
rheumatic 393
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.9 [420.0]
pericholecystic 575.8
perigastric (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
periovarian 614.6
periprostatic 602.8
perirectal (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
perirenal 593.89
peritoneum, peritoneal (fibrous) (postoperative) 568.0
with obstruction (intestinal) 560.81
with hernia - see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction
gangrenous - see Hernia, by site, with gangrene
duodenum 537.3
congenital 751.4
female (postoperative) (postinfective) 614.6
pelvic, female 614.6
pelvic, male 568.0
postpartal, pelvic 614.6
to uterus 614.6
peritubal 614.6
periureteral 593.89
periuterine 621.5
perivesical 596.89
perivesicular (seminal vesicle) 608.89
pleura, pleuritic 511.0
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pleura) 012.0
pleuropericardial 511.0
postoperative (gastrointestinal tract) (see also Adhesions, peritoneum)
pelvic female 614.9
pelvic, male 568.0
eyelid 997.99
surgically created V45.69
urethra 598.2
postpartal, old 624.4
preputial, prepuce 605
pulmonary 511.0
pylorus (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
Rosenmüller's fossa 478.29
sciatic nerve 355.0
seminal vesicle 608.89
shoulder (joint) 726.0
sigmoid flexure (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
spermatic cord (acquired) 608.89
congenital 752.89
spinal canal 349.2
nerve 355.9
root 724.9
cervical NEC 723.4
lumbar NEC 724.4
lumbosacral 724.4
thoracic 724.4
stomach (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) 568.0
subscapular 726.2
tendonitis 726.90
shoulder 726.0
testicle 608.89
tongue (congenital) (to gum or roof of mouth) 750.12
acquired 529.8
trachea 519.19
tubo-ovarian 614.6
tunica vaginalis 608.89
ureter 593.89
uterus 621.5
to abdominal wall 614.6
in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4
affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
vagina (chronic) (postoperative) (postradiation) 623.2
vaginitis (congenital) 752.49
vesical 596.89
vitreous 379.29
vitreomacular adhesion 379.27
