adrenal (cortical) 255.9
hyperfunction 255.3
hypofunction 255.41
associated with sleep stages or arousal from sleep 780.56
nonorganic origin 307.47
bladder NEC 596.59
bleeding, uterus 626.8
brain, minimal (see also Hyperkinesia) 314.9
cerebral 348.30
colon 564.9
psychogenic 306.4
colostomy or enterostomy 569.62
cystic duct 575.8
diastolic 429.9
with heart failure - see Failure, heart
due to
cardiomyopathy - see Cardiomyopathy
hypertension - see Hypertension, heart
endocrine NEC 259.9
endometrium 621.8
enteric stoma 569.62
enterostomy 569.62
erectile 607.84
nonorganic origin 302.72
esophagostomy 530.87
Eustachian tube 381.81
gallbladder 575.8
gastrointestinal 536.9
gland, glandular NEC 259.9
heart 427.9
postoperative (immediate) 997.1
long-term effect of cardiac surgery 429.4
hemoglobin 289.89
hepatic 573.9
hepatocellular NEC 573.9
hypophysis 253.9
hyperfunction 253.1
hypofunction 253.2
posterior lobe 253.6
hypofunction 253.5
kidney (see also Disease, renal) 593.9
labyrinthine 386.50
specified NEC 386.58
liver 573.9
constitutional 277.4
minimal brain (child) (see also Hyperkinesia) 314.9
ovary, ovarian 256.9
hyperfunction 256.1
estrogen 256.0
hypofunction 256.39
postablative 256.2
postablative 256.2
specified NEC 256.8
papillary muscle 429.81
with myocardial infarction 410.8
parathyroid 252.8
hyperfunction 252.00
hypofunction 252.1
pineal gland 259.8
pituitary (gland) 253.9
hyperfunction 253.1
hypofunction 253.2
posterior 253.6
hypofunction 253.5
placental - see Placenta, insufficiency
platelets (blood) 287.1
polyglandular 258.9
specified NEC 258.8
psychosexual 302.70
dyspareunia (functional) (psychogenic) 302.76
frigidity 302.72
impotence 302.72
female 302.73
male 302.74
desire 302.71
excitement 302.72
premature ejaculation 302.75
sexual aversion 302.79
specified disorder NEC 302.79
vaginismus 306.51
pylorus 537.9
rectum 564.9
psychogenic 306.4
segmental (see also Dysfunction, somatic) 739.9
senile 797
sexual 302.70
sinoatrial node 427.81
somatic 739.9
abdomen 739.9
acromioclavicular 739.7
cervical 739.1
cervicothoracic 739.1
costochondral 739.8
costovertebral 739.8
lower 739.6
upper 739.7
head 739.0
hip 739.5
lumbar, lumbosacral 739.3
occipitocervical 739.0
pelvic 739.5
pubic 739.5
rib cage 739.8
sacral 739.4
sacrococcygeal 739.4
sacroiliac 739.4
specified site NEC 739.9
sternochondral 739.8
sternoclavicular 739.7
temporomandibular 739.0
thoracic, thoracolumbar 739.2
stomach 536.9
psychogenic 306.4
suprarenal 255.9
hyperfunction 255.3
hypofunction 255.41
systolic 429.9
with heart failure - see Failure, heart
symbolic NEC 784.60
specified type NEC 784.69
temporomandibular (joint) (joint-pain-syndrome) NEC 524.60
sounds on opening or closing 524.64
specified NEC 524.69
testicular 257.9
hyperfunction 257.0
hypofunction 257.2
specified type NEC 257.8
thymus 254.9
thyroid 246.9
complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 648.1
hyperfunction - see Hyperthyroidism
hypofunction - see Hypothyroidism
uterus, complicating delivery 661.9
affecting fetus or newborn 763.7
hypertonic 661.4
hypotonic 661.2
primary 661.0
secondary 661.1
velopharyngeal (acquired) 528.9
congenital 750.29
ventricular 429.9
with congestive heart failure (see also Failure, heart) 428.0
due to
cardiomyopathy - see Cardiomyopathy
hypertension - see Hypertension, heart
left, reversible following sudden emotional stress 429.83
vesicourethral NEC 596.59
vestibular 386.50
specified type NEC 386.58
