Fever 780.60
with chills 780.60
in malarial regions (see also Malaria) 084.6
abortus NEC 023.9
aden 061
African tick-borne 087.1
mountain tick 066.1
spotted 082.0
and ague (see also Malaria) 084.6
aphthous 078.4
arbovirus hemorrhagic 065.9
Assam 085.0
Australian A or Q 083.0
Bangkok hemorrhagic 065.4
biliary, Charcôt's intermittent - see Choledocholithiasis
bilious, hemoglobinuric 084.8
blackwater 084.8
blister 054.9
Bonvale Dam 780.79
boutonneuse 082.1
brain 323.9
late effect - see category 326
breakbone 061
Bullis 082.8
Bunyamwera 066.3
Burdwan 085.0
Bwamba (encephalitis) 066.3
Cameroon (see also Malaria) 084.6
Canton 081.9
catarrhal (acute) 460
chronic 472.0
cat-scratch 078.3
cerebral 323.9
late effect - see category 326
cerebrospinal (meningococcal) (see also Meningitis, cerebrospinal) 036.0
Chagres 084.0
Chandipura 066.8
changuinola 066.0
Charcôt's (biliary) (hepatic) (intermittent) see Choledocholithiasis
Chikungunya (viral) 066.3
hemorrhagic 065.4
childbed 670.8
Chitral 066.0
Colombo (see also Fever, paratyphoid) 002.9
Colorado tick (virus) 066.1
malarial (see also Malaria) 084.6
remittent (see also Malaria) 084.6
Congo virus 065.0
continued 780.60
malarial 084.0
Corsican (see also Malaria) 084.6
Crimean hemorrhagic 065.0
Cyprus (see also Brucellosis) 023.9
dandy 061
deer fly (see also Tularemia) 021.9
dehydration, newborn 778.4
dengue (virus) 061
hemorrhagic 065.4
desert 114.0
due to heat 992.0
Dumdum 085.0
enteric 002.0
ephemeral (of unknown origin) (see also Pyrexia) 780.60
epidemic, hemorrhagic of the Far East 065.0
erysipelatous (see also Erysipelas) 035
estivo-autumnal (malarial) 084.0
etiocholanolone 277.31
famine - see also Fever, relapsing
meaning typhus - see Typhus
Far Eastern hemorrhagic 065.0
five day 083.1
Fort Bragg 100.89
gastroenteric 002.0
gastromalarial (see also Malaria) 084.6
Gibraltar (see also Brucellosis) 023.9
glandular 075
Guama (viral) 066.3
Haverhill 026.1
hay (allergic) (with rhinitis) 477.9
asthma (bronchial) (see also Asthma) 493.0
due to
dander, animal (cat) (dog) 477.2
dust 477.8
fowl 477.8
hair, animal (cat) (dog) 477.2
pollen, any plant or tree 477.0
specified allergen other than pollen 477.8
heat (effects) 992.0
hematuric, bilious 084.8
hemoglobinuric (malarial) 084.8
bilious 084.8
hemorrhagic (arthropod-borne) NEC 065.9
with renal syndrome 078.6
arenaviral 078.7
Argentine 078.7
Bangkok 065.4
Bolivian 078.7
Central Asian 065.0
chikungunya 065.4
Crimean 065.0
dengue (virus) 065.4
Ebola 065.8
epidemic 078.6
of Far East 065.0
Far Eastern 065.0
Junin virus 078.7
Korean 078.6
Kyasanur forest 065.2
Machupo virus 078.7
mite-borne NEC 065.8
mosquito-borne 065.4
Omsk 065.1
Philippine 065.4
Russian (Yaroslav) 078.6
Singapore 065.4
Southeast Asia 065.4
Thailand 065.4
tick-borne NEC 065.3
hepatic (see also Cholecystitis) 575.8
intermittent (Charcôt's) - see Choledocholithiasis
herpetic (see also Herpes) 054.9
hyalomma tick 065.0
icterohemorrhagic 100.0
inanition 780.60
newborn 778.4
in conditions classified elsewhere 780.61
infective NEC 136.9
intermittent (bilious) (see also Malaria) 084.6
hepatic (Charcôt) - see Choledocholithiasis
of unknown origin (see also Pyrexia) 780.60
pernicious 084.0
correct substance properly administered 780.60
overdose or wrong substance given or taken 975.5
Japanese river 081.2
jungle yellow 060.0
Junin virus, hemorrhagic 078.7
Katayama 120.2
Kedani 081.2
Kenya 082.1
Korean hemorrhagic 078.6
Lassa 078.89
Lone Star 082.8
lung - see Pneumonia
Machupo virus, hemorrhagic 078.7
malaria, malarial (see also Malaria) 084.6
Malta (see also Brucellosis) 023.9
Marseilles 082.1
marsh (see also Malaria) 084.6
Mayaro (viral) 066.3
Mediterranean (see also Brucellosis) 023.9
familial 277.31
tick 082.1
meningeal - see Meningitis
metal fumes NEC 985.8
Meuse 083.1
Mexican - see Typhus, Mexican
Mianeh 087.1
miasmatic (see also Malaria) 084.6
miliary 078.2
milk, female 672
mill 504
mite-borne hemorrhagic 065.8
Monday 504
mosquito-borne NEC 066.3
hemorrhagic NEC 065.4
mountain 066.1
Rocky Mountain spotted 082.0
undulant fever (see also Brucellosis) 023.9
tick (American) 066.1
Mucambo (viral) 066.3
mud 100.89
Neapolitan (see also Brucellosis) 023.9
neutropenic 288.00
newborn (environmentally-induced) 778.4
nine-mile 083.0
nonexanthematous tick 066.1
North Asian tick-borne typhus 082.2
Omsk hemorrhagic 065.1
O'nyong nyong (viral) 066.3
Oropouche (viral) 066.3
Oroya 088.0
paludal (see also Malaria) 084.6
Panama 084.0
pappataci 066.0
paratyphoid 002.9
A 002.1
B (Schottmüller's) 002.2
C (Hirschfeld) 002.3
parrot 073.9
periodic 277.31
pernicious, acute 084.0
persistent (of unknown origin) (see also Pyrexia) 780.60
petechial 036.0
pharyngoconjunctival 077.2
adenoviral type 3 077.2
Philippine hemorrhagic 065.4
phlebotomus 066.0
Piry 066.8
Pixuna (viral) 066.3
Plasmodium ovale 084.3
pleural (see also Pleurisy) 511.0
pneumonic - see Pneumonia
polymer fume 987.8
postimmunization 780.63
postoperative 780.62
due to infection 998.59
posttransfusion 780.66
postvaccination 780.63
pretibial 100.89
puerperal, postpartum 672
putrid - see Septicemia
pyemic - see Septicemia
Q 083.0
with pneumonia 083.0 [484.8]
quadrilateral 083.0
quartan (malaria) 084.2
Queensland (coastal) 083.0
seven-day 100.89
Quintan (A) 083.1
quotidian 084.0
rabbit (see also Tularemia) 021.9
rat-bite 026.9
due to
Spirillum minor or minus 026.0
Spirochaeta morsus muris 026.0
Streptobacillus moniliformis 026.1
recurrent - see Fever, relapsing
relapsing 087.9
Carter's (Asiatic) 087.0
Dutton's (West African) 087.1
Koch's 087.9
louse-borne (epidemic) 087.0
Novy's (American) 087.1
Obermeyer's (European) 087.0
spirillum NEC 087.9
tick-borne (endemic) 087.1
remittent (bilious) (congestive) (gastric) (see also Malaria) 084.6
rheumatic (active) (acute) (chronic) (subacute) 390
with heart involvement 391.9
carditis 391.9
endocarditis (aortic) (mitral) (pulmonary) (tricuspid) 391.1
multiple sites 391.8
myocarditis 391.2
pancarditis, acute 391.8
pericarditis 391.0
specified type NEC 391.8
valvulitis 391.1
inactive or quiescent with
cardiac hypertrophy 398.99
carditis 398.90
endocarditis 397.9
aortic (valve) 395.9
with mitral (valve) disease 396.9
mitral (valve) 394.9
with aortic (valve) disease 396.9
pulmonary (valve) 397.1
tricuspid (valve) 397.0
heart conditions (classifiable to 429.3, 429.6, 429.9) 398.99
failure (congestive) (conditions classifiable to 428.0, 428.9) 398.91
left ventricular failure (conditions classifiable to 428.1) 398.91
myocardial degeneration (conditions classifiable to 429.1) 398.0
myocarditis (conditions classifiable to 429.0) 398.0
pancarditis 398.99
pericarditis 393
Rift Valley (viral) 066.3
Rocky Mountain spotted 082.0
rose 477.0
Ross river (viral) 066.3
Russian hemorrhagic 078.6
sandfly 066.0
San Joaquin (valley) 114.0
Sao Paulo 082.0
scarlet 034.1
septic - see Septicemia
seven-day 061
Japan 100.89
Queensland 100.89
shin bone 083.1
Singapore hemorrhagic 065.4
solar 061
sore 054.9
South African tick-bite 087.1
Southeast Asia hemorrhagic 065.4
spinal - see Meningitis
spirillary 026.0
splenic (see also Anthrax) 022.9
spotted (Rocky Mountain) 082.0
American 082.0
Brazilian 082.0
Colombian 082.0
cerebrospinal meningitis 036.0
typhus 082.9
spring 309.23
correct substance properly administered 780.60
overdose or wrong substance given or taken 962.0
streptobacillary 026.1
subtertian 084.0
Sumatran mite 081.2
sun 061
swamp 100.89
sweating 078.2
swine 003.8
sylvatic yellow 060.0
Tahyna 062.5
tertian - see Malaria, tertian
Thailand hemorrhagic 065.4
thermic 992.0
three day 066.0
with Coxsackie exanthem 074.8
American mountain 066.1
Colorado 066.1
Kemerovo 066.1
Mediterranean 082.1
mountain 066.1
nonexanthematous 066.1
Quaranfil 066.1
tick-bite NEC 066.1
tick-borne NEC 066.1
hemorrhagic NEC 065.3
transitory of newborn 778.4
trench 083.1
tsutsugamushi 081.2
typhogastric 002.0
typhoid (abortive) (ambulant) (any site) (hemorrhagic) (infection) (intermittent) (malignant) (rheumatic) 002.0
typhomalarial (see also Malaria) 084.6
typhus - see Typhus
undulant (see also Brucellosis) 023.9
unknown origin (see also Pyrexia) 780.60
uremic - see Uremia
uveoparotid 135
valley (Coccidioidomycosis) 114.0
Venezuelan equine 066.2
Volhynian 083.1
Wesselsbron (viral) 066.3
African 084.8
Nile (viral) 066.40
cranial nerve disorders 066.42
encephalitis 066.41
optic neuritis 066.42
other complications 066.49
other neurologic manifestations 066.42
polyradiculitis 066.42
Whitmore's 025
Wolhynian 083.1
worm 128.9
Yaroslav hemorrhagic 078.6
yellow 060.9
jungle 060.0
sylvatic 060.0
urban 060.1
vaccination, prophylactic (against) V04.4
Zika (viral) 066.3
