Gafsa boil 085.1
Gain, weight (abnormal) (excessive) (see also Weight, gain) 783.1
Gaisböck's disease or syndrome (polycythemia hypertonica) 289.0
Galactocele (breast) (infected) 611.5
Galactophoritis 611.0
Galactorrhea 676.6
Galactosemia (classic) (congenital) 271.1
Galactosuria 271.1
Galacturia 791.1
Galen's vein - see condition
Gallbladder - see also condition
Gall duct - see condition
Gallop rhythm 427.89
Gallstone (cholemic) (colic) (impacted) - see also Cholelithiasis
Gambling, pathological 312.31
Gammaloidosis 277.39
Gammopathy 273.9
Gamna's disease (siderotic splenomegaly) 289.51
Gampsodactylia (congenital) 754.71
Gamstorp's disease (adynamia episodica hereditaria) 359.3
Gandy-Nanta disease (siderotic splenomegaly) 289.51
Gang activity, without manifest psychiatric disorder V71.09
Gangliocytoma (M9490/0) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign
Ganglioglioma (M9505/1) - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior
Ganglion 727.43
Ganglioneuroblastoma (M9490/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Ganglioneuroma (M9490/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign
Ganglioneuromatosis (M9491/0) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign
Gangliosidosis 330.1
Gangosa 102.5
Gangrene, gangrenous (anemia) (artery) (cellulitis) (dermatitis) (dry) (infective) (moist) (pemphigus) (septic) (skin) (stasis) (ulcer) 785.4
Gannister disease (occupational) 502
Ganser's syndrome, hysterical 300.16
Gardner-Diamond syndrome (autoerythrocyte sensitization) 287.2
Gargoylism 277.5
Garrod's pads, knuckle 728.79
Gartner's duct
Gas 787.3
Gastradenitis 535.0
Gastralgia 536.8
Gastrectasis, gastrectasia 536.1
Gastric - see condition
Gastrinoma (M8153/1)
Gastritis 535.5
Gastrocarcinoma (M8010/3) 151.9
Gastrocolic - see condition
Gastrocolitis - see Enteritis
Gastrodisciasis 121.8
Gastroduodenitis (see also Gastritis) 535.5
Gastrodynia 536.8
Gastroenteritis (acute) (catarrhal) (congestive) (hemorrhagic) (noninfectious) (see also Enteritis) 558.9
Gastroenterocolitis - see Enteritis
Gastroenteropathy, protein-losing 579.8
Gastroenteroptosis 569.89
Gastroesophageal laceration-hemorrhage syndrome 530.7
Gastroesophagitis 530.19
Gastrohepatitis (see also Gastritis) 535.5
Gastrointestinal - see condition
Gastrojejunal - see condition
Gastrojejunitis (see also Gastritis) 535.5
Gastrojejunocolic - see condition
Gastroliths 537.89
Gastromalacia 537.89
Gastroparalysis 536.3
Gastroparesis 536.3
Gastropathy 537.9
Gastroptosis 537.5
Gastrorrhagia 578.0
Gastrorrhea 536.8
Gastroschisis (congenital) 756.73
Gastrospasm (neurogenic) (reflex) 536.8
Gastrostaxis 578.0
Gastrostenosis 537.89
Gastrosuccorrhea (continuous) (intermittent) 536.8
GAVE (gastric antral vascular ectasia) 537.82
Gayet's disease (superior hemorrhagic polioencephalitis) 265.1
Gayet-Wernicke's syndrome (superior hemorrhagic polioencephalitis) 265.1
Gee (-Herter) (-Heubner) (-Thaysen) disease or syndrome (nontropical sprue) 579.0
Gélineau's syndrome (see also Narcolepsy) 347.00
Gemination, teeth 520.2
Gemistocytoma (M9411/3)
General, generalized - see condition
Genital - see condition
Genito-anorectal syndrome 099.1
Genitourinary system - see condition
Geographic tongue 529.1
Geophagia 307.52
Geotrichosis 117.9
Gephyrophobia 300.29
Gerbode defect 745.4
GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) 530.81
Gerlier's disease (epidemic vertigo) 078.81
German measles 056.9
Germinoblastoma (diffuse) (M9614/3) 202.8
Germinoma (M9064/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant
Gerontoxon 371.41
Gerstmann's syndrome (finger agnosia) 784.69
Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome (GSS) 046.71
Gestation (period) - see also Pregnancy
Gestational proteinuria 646.2
Ghon tubercle primary infection (see also Tuberculosis) 010.0
Ghoul hand 102.3
Gianotti Crosti syndrome 057.8
Giardia lamblia infestation 007.1
Giardiasis 007.1
Gibert's disease (pityriasis rosea) 696.3
Gibraltar fever - see Brucellosis
Giddiness 780.4
Gierke's disease (glycogenosis I) 271.0
Gigantism (cerebral) (hypophyseal) (pituitary) 253.0
Gilbert's disease or cholemia (familial nonhemolytic jaundice) 277.4
Gilchrist's disease (North American blastomycosis) 116.0
Gilford (-Hutchinson) disease or syndrome (progeria) 259.8
Gilles de la Tourette's disease (motor-verbal tic) 307.23
Gillespie's syndrome (dysplasia oculodentodigitalis) 759.89
Gingivitis 523.10
Gingivoglossitis 529.0
Gingivopericementitis 523.40
Gingivosis 523.10
Gingivostomatitis 523.10
Giovannini's disease 117.9
GISA (glycopeptide intermediate staphylococcus aureus V09.8
Gland, glandular - see condition
Glanders 024
Glanzmann (-Naegeli) disease or thrombasthenia 287.1
Glassblowers' disease 527.1
Glaucoma (capsular) (inflammatory) (noninflammatory) (primary) 365.9
Glaucomatous flecks (subcapsular) 366.31
Glazed tongue 529.4
Gleet 098.2
Glénard's disease or syndrome (enteroptosis) 569.89
Glinski-Simmonds syndrome (pituitary cachexia) 253.2
Glioblastoma (multiforme) (M9440/3)
Glioma (malignant) (M9380/3)
Gliomatosis cerebri (M9381/3) 191.0
Glioneuroma (M9505/1) - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior
Gliosarcoma (M9380/3)
Gliosis (cerebral) 349.89
Glissonitis 573.3
Globinuria 791.2
Globus 306.4
Glomangioma (M8712/0) (see also Hemangioma) 228.00
Glomangiosarcoma (M8710/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Glomerular nephritis (see also Nephritis) 583.9
Glomerulitis (see also Nephritis) 583.9
Glomerulonephritis (see also Nephritis) 583.9
Glomerulosclerosis (see also Sclerosis, renal) 587
Glossagra 529.6
Glossalgia 529.6
Glossitis 529.0
Glossocele 529.8
Glossodynia 529.6
Glossoncus 529.8
Glossophytia 529.3
Glossoplegia 529.8
Glossoptosis 529.8
Glossopyrosis 529.6
Glossotrichia 529.3
Glossy skin 701.9
Glottis - see condition
Glottitis - see Glossitis
Glucagonoma (M8152/0)
Glucoglycinuria 270.7
Glue ear syndrome 381.20
Glue sniffing (airplane glue) (see also Dependence) 304.6
Glycinemia (with methylmalonic acidemia) 270.7
Glycinuria (renal) (with ketosis) 270.0
Glycogenosis (see also Disease, glycogen storage) 271.0
Glycopenia 251.2
Glycoprolinuria 270.8
Glycosuria 791.5
Gnathostoma (spinigerum) (infection) (infestation) 128.1
Gnathostomiasis 128.1
Goiter (adolescent) (colloid) (diffuse) (dipping) (due to iodine deficiency) (endemic) (euthyroid) (heart) (hyperplastic) (internal) (intrathoracic) (juvenile) (mixed type) (nonendemic) (parenchymatous) (plunging) (sporadic) (subclavicular) (substernal) 240.9
Goldberg (-Maxwell) (-Morris) syndrome (testicular feminization) 259.51
Goldenhar's syndrome (oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia) 756.0
Goldflam-Erb disease or syndrome 358.00
Goldscheider's disease (epidermolysis bullosa) 757.39
Goldstein's disease (familial hemorrhagic telangiectasia) 448.0
Golfer's elbow 726.32
Goltz-Gorlin syndrome (dermal hypoplasia) 757.39
Gonadoblastoma (M9073/1)
Gonecystitis (see also Vesiculitis) 608.0
Gongylonemiasis 125.6
Goniosynechiae 364.73
Gonococcemia 098.89
Gonococcus, gonococcal (disease) (infection) (see also condition) 098.0
Gonocytoma (M9073/1)
Gonorrhea 098.0
Goodpasture's syndrome (pneumorenal) 446.21
Good's syndrome 279.06
Gopalan's syndrome (burning feet) 266.2
Gordon's disease (exudative enteropathy) 579.8
Gorlin-Chaudhry-Moss syndrome 759.89
Gougerot's syndrome (trisymptomatic) 709.1
Gougerot-Blum syndrome (pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatitis) 709.1
Gougerot-Carteaud disease or syndrome (confluent reticulate papillomatosis) 701.8
Gougerot-Hailey-Hailey disease (benign familial chronic pemphigus) 757.39
Gougerot (-Houwer)-Sjögren syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) 710.2
Gouley's syndrome (constrictive pericarditis) 423.2
Goundou 102.6
Gout, gouty 274.9
Gowers-Paton-Kennedy syndrome 377.04
Gradenigo's syndrome 383.02
Graft-versus-host disease 279.50
Graham Steell's murmur (pulmonic regurgitation) (see also Endocarditis, pulmonary) 424.3
Grain-handlers' disease or lung 495.8
Grain mite (itch) 133.8
Granite workers' lung 502
Granular - see also condition
Granulation tissue, abnormal - see also Granuloma
Granulocytopenia, granulocytopenic (primary) 288.00
Granuloma NEC 686.1
Granulomatosis NEC 686.1
Granulomatous tissue - see Granuloma
Granulosis rubra nasi 705.89
Graphite fibrosis (of lung) 503
Graphospasm 300.89
Grating scapula 733.99
Gravel (urinary) (see also Calculus) 592.9
Graves' disease (exophthalmic goiter) (see also Goiter, toxic) 242.0
Gravis - see condition
Grawitz's tumor (hypernephroma) (M8312/3) 189.0
Grayness, hair (premature) 704.3
Gray or grey syndrome (chloramphenicol) (newborn) 779.4
Greenfield's disease 330.0
Green sickness 280.9
Greenstick fracture - see Fracture, by site
Greig's syndrome (hypertelorism) 756.0
Grief 309.0
Griesinger's disease (see also Ancylostomiasis) 126.9
Grinding, teeth 306.8
Grippe, grippal - see also Influenza
Grippy cold (see also Influenza) 487.1
Grisel's disease 723.5
Groin - see condition
Ground itch 126.9
Growing pains, children 781.99
Growth (fungoid) (neoplastic) (new) (M8000/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, unspecified nature
GRSA (glycopeptide resistant staphylococcus aureus) V09.8
Gruber's hernia - see Hernia, Gruber's
Gruby's disease (tinea tonsurans) 110.0
GSS (Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome) 046.71
G-trisomy 758.0
Guama fever 066.3
Gubler (-Millard) paralysis or syndrome 344.89
Guérin-Stern syndrome (arthrogryposis multiplex congenita) 754.89
Guertin's disease (electric chorea) 049.8
Guillain-Barré disease or syndrome 357.0
Guinea worms (infection) (infestation) 125.7
Guinon's disease (motor-verbal tic) 307.23
Gull's disease (thyroid atrophy with myxedema) 244.8
Gull and Sutton's disease - see Hypertension, kidney
Gum - see condition
Gumboil 522.7
Gumma (syphilitic) 095.9
Gunn's syndrome (jaw-winking syndrome) 742.8
Gunshot wound - see also Wound, open, by site
Günther's disease or syndrome (congenital erythropoietic porphyria) 277.1
Gustatory hallucination 780.1
Gynandrism 752.7
Gynandroblastoma (M8632/1)
Gynandromorphism 752.7
Gynatresia (congenital) 752.49
Gynecoid pelvis, male 738.6
Gynecological examination V72.31
Gynecomastia 611.1
Gynephobia 300.29
Gyrate scalp 757.39
