Gangrene, gangrenous (anemia) (artery) (cellulitis) (dermatitis) (dry) (infective) (moist) (pemphigus) (septic) (skin) (stasis) (ulcer) 785.4
arteriosclerosis (native artery) 440.24
bypass graft 440.30
autologous vein 440.31
nonautologous biological 440.32
diabetes (mellitus) 250.7 [785.4]
due to secondary diabetes 249.7 [785.4]
abdomen (wall) 785.4
adenitis 683
alveolar 526.5
angina 462
diphtheritic 032.0
anus 569.49
appendices epiploicae - see Gangrene, mesentery
appendix - see Appendicitis, acute
arteriosclerotic - see Arteriosclerosis, with, gangrene
auricle 785.4
Bacillus welchii (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0
bile duct (see also Cholangitis) 576.8
bladder 595.89
bowel - see Gangrene, intestine
cecum - see Gangrene, intestine
Clostridium perfringens or welchii (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0
colon - see Gangrene, intestine
connective tissue 785.4
cornea 371.40
corpora cavernosa (infective) 607.2
noninfective 607.89
cutaneous, spreading 785.4
decubital (see also Ulcer, pressure) 707.00 [785.4]
diabetic (any site) 250.7 [785.4]
due to secondary diabetes 249.7 [785.4]
dropsical 785.4
emphysematous (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0
epidemic (ergotized grain) 988.2
epididymis (infectional) (see also Epididymitis) 604.99
erysipelas (see also Erysipelas) 035
extremity (lower) (upper) 785.4
gallbladder or duct (see also Cholecystitis, acute) 575.0
gas (bacillus) 040.0
abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis
ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0
molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0
abortion 639.0
ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.0
puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670.8
glossitis 529.0
gum 523.8
hernia - see Hernia, by site, with gangrene
hospital noma 528.1
intestine, intestinal (acute) (hemorrhagic) (massive) 557.0
hernia - see Hernia, by site, with gangrene
mesenteric embolism or infarction 557.0
obstruction (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9
laryngitis 464.00
with obstruction 464.01
liver 573.8
lung 513.0
spirochetal 104.8
lymphangitis 457.2
Meleney's (cutaneous) 686.09
mesentery 557.0
embolism or infarction 557.0
intestinal obstruction (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9
mouth 528.1
noma 528.1
orchitis 604.90
ovary (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) 614.2
pancreas 577.0
penis (infectional) 607.2
noninfective 607.89
perineum 785.4
pharynx 462
septic 034.0
pneumonia 513.0
Pott's 440.24
presenile 443.1
pulmonary 513.0
pulp, tooth 522.1
quinsy 475
Raynaud's (symmetric gangrene) 443.0 [785.4]
rectum 569.49
retropharyngeal 478.24
rupture - see Hernia, by site, with gangrene
scrotum 608.4
noninfective 608.83
senile 440.24
sore throat 462
spermatic cord 608.4
noninfective 608.89
spine 785.4
spirochetal NEC 104.8
spreading cutaneous 785.4
stomach 537.89
stomatitis 528.1
symmetrical 443.0 [785.4]
testis (infectional) (see also Orchitis) 604.99
noninfective 608.89
throat 462
diphtheritic 032.0
thyroid (gland) 246.8
tonsillitis (acute) 463
tooth (pulp) 522.1
tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis) 011.9
tunica vaginalis 608.4
noninfective 608.89
umbilicus 785.4
uterus (see also Endometritis) 615.9
uvulitis 528.3
vas deferens 608.4
noninfective 608.89
vulva (see also Vulvitis) 616.10
