Headache 784.0
allergic 339.00
associated with sexual activity 339.82
cluster 339.00
chronic 339.02
episodic 339.01
chronic 784.0
new persistent (NPDH) 339.42
drug induced 339.3
due to
loss, spinal fluid 349.0
lumbar puncture 349.0
saddle block 349.0
emotional 307.81
histamine 339.00
hypnic 339.81
lumbar puncture 349.0
medication overuse 339.3
menopausal 627.2
menstrual 346.4
migraine 346.9
nasal septum 784.0
nonorganic origin 307.81
orgasmic 339.82
postspinal 349.0
post-traumatic 339.20
acute 339.21
chronic 339.22
premenstrual 346.4
preorgasmic 339.82
cough 339.83
exertional 339.84
stabbing 339.85
thunderclap 339.43
psychogenic 307.81
psychophysiologic 307.81
rebound 339.3
short lasting unilateral neuralgiform with conjunctival injection and tearing ( SUNCT) 339.05
sick 346.9
spinal 349.0
complicating labor and delivery 668.8
postpartum 668.8
spinal fluid loss 349.0
cluster 339.00
complicated NEC 339.44
periodic in child or adolescent 346.2
specified NEC 339.89
tension 307.81
type 339.10
chronic 339.12
episodic 339.11
vascular 784.0
migraine type 346.9
vasomotor 346.9
