intestine (see also Volvulus) 560.2
intrascleral nerve 379.29
vascular on papilla (optic) 743.57
unilateral 389.13
noise-induced 388.12
perceptive NEC (see also Loss, hearing, sensorineural) 389.10
sensorineural 389.10
with conductive hearing loss 389.20
bilateral 389.22
unilateral 389.21
asymmetrical 389.16
bilateral 389.18
central 389.14
bilateral 389.12
unilateral 389.13
bilateral 389.11
unilateral 389.17
unilateral 389.15
bilateral 389.11
unilateral 389.17
specified type NEC 389.8
sudden NEC 388.2
height 781.91
labyrinthine reactivity (unilateral) 386.55
bilateral 386.56
memory (see also Amnesia) 780.93
mild, following organic brain damage 310.89
mind (see also Psychosis) 298.9
occusal vertical dimension 524.37
organ or part - see Absence, by site, acquired
recurrent pregnancy - see Pregnancy, management affected by, abortion, habitual
sensation 782.0
sense of
smell (see also Disturbance, sensation) 781.1
taste (see also Disturbance, sensation) 781.1
touch (see also Disturbance, sensation) 781.1
sight (acquired) (complete) (congenital) - see Blindness
spinal fluid
headache 349.0
substance of
bone (see also Osteoporosis) 733.00
cartilage 733.99
ear 380.32
vitreous (humor) 379.26
tooth, teeth
acquired 525.10
due to
caries 525.13
extraction 525.10
periodontal disease 525.12
specified NEC 525.19
trauma 525.11
vision, visual (see also Blindness) 369.9
both eyes (see also Blindness, both eyes) 369.3
complete (see also Blindness, both eyes) 369.00
one eye 369.8
sudden 368.11
transient 368.12
vitreous 379.26
voice (see also Aphonia) 784.41
weight (cause unknown) 783.21
