Neuropathy, neuropathic (see also Disorder, nerve) 355.9
acute motor 357.82
alcoholic 357.5
with psychosis 291.1
arm NEC 354.9
ataxia and retinitis pigmentosa (NARP syndrome) 277.87
autonomic (peripheral) - see Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic
axillary nerve 353.0
brachial plexus 353.0
cervical plexus 353.2
progressive segmentally demyelinating 357.89
relapsing demyelinating 357.89
congenital sensory 356.2
Déjérine-Sottas 356.0
diabetic 250.6 [357.2]
autonomic (peripheral) 250.6 [337.1]
due to secondary diabetes 249.6 [357.2]
autonomic (peripheral) 249.6 [337.1]
entrapment 355.9
iliohypogastric nerve 355.79
ilioinguinal nerve 355.79
lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh 355.1
median nerve 354.0
obturator nerve 355.79
peroneal nerve 355.3
posterior tibial nerve 355.5
saphenous nerve 355.79
ulnar nerve 354.2
facial nerve 351.9
hereditary 356.9
peripheral 356.0
sensory (radicular) 356.2
Charcôt-Marie-Tooth 356.1
Déjérine-Sottas 356.0
interstitial 356.9
Refsum 356.3
intercostal nerve 354.8
ischemic - see Disorder, nerve
Jamaican (ginger) 357.7
leg NEC 355.8
lower extremity NEC 355.8
lumbar plexus 353.1
median nerve 354.1
acute 357.82
multiple (acute) (chronic) (see also Polyneuropathy) 356.9
optic 377.39
ischemic 377.41
nutritional 377.33
toxic 377.34
peripheral (nerve) (see also Polyneuropathy) 356.9
arm NEC 354.9
autonomic 337.9
amyloid 277.39 [337.1]
idiopathic 337.00
amyloidosis 277.39 [337.1]
diabetes (mellitus) 250.6 [337.1]
due to secondary diabetes 249.6 [337.1]
diseases classified elsewhere 337.1
gout 274.89 [337.1]
hyperthyroidism 242.9 [337.1]
due to
antitetanus serum 357.6
arsenic 357.7
drugs 357.6
lead 357.7
organophosphate compounds 357.7
toxic agent NEC 357.7
hereditary 356.0
idiopathic 356.9
progressive 356.4
specified type NEC 356.8
in diseases classified elsewhere - see Polyneuropathy, in
leg NEC 355.8
lower extremity NEC 355.8
upper extremity NEC 354.9
plantar nerves 355.6
hypertrophic interstitial 356.9
inflammatory 357.89
radicular NEC 729.2
brachial 723.4
cervical NEC 723.4
hereditary sensory 356.2
lumbar 724.4
lumbosacral 724.4
thoracic NEC 724.4
sacral plexus 353.1
sciatic 355.0
spinal nerve NEC 355.9
root (see also Radiculitis) 729.2
toxic 357.7
trigeminal sensory 350.8
ulnar nerve 354.2
upper extremity NEC 354.9
uremic 585.9 [357.4]
vitamin B12 266.2 [357.4]
with anemia (pernicious) 281.0 [357.4]
due to dietary deficiency 281.1 [357.4]
