anus 569.49
congenital 751.2
infantile 751.2
aortoiliac (chronic) 444.09
aqueduct of Sylvius 331.4
congenital 742.3
with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida) 741.0
arteries of extremities, lower 444.22
without thrombus or embolus (see also Arteriosclerosis, extremities) 440.20
due to stricture or stenosis 447.1
upper 444.21
without thrombus or embolus (see also Arteriosclerosis, extremities) 440.20
due to stricture or stenosis 447.1
artery NEC (see also Embolism, artery) 444.9
auditory, internal 433.8
basilar 433.0
with other precerebral artery 433.3
bilateral 433.3
brain or cerebral (see also Infarct, brain) 434.9
carotid 433.1
with other precerebral artery 433.3
bilateral 433.3
cerebellar (anterior inferior) (posterior inferior) (superior) 433.8
cerebral (see also Infarct, brain) 434.9
choroidal (anterior) 433.8
chronic total
coronary 414.2
extremity(ies) 440.4
communicating posterior 433.8
coronary 414.2
extremity(ies) 440.4
coronary (thrombotic) (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9
acute 410.9
without myocardial infarction 411.81
chronic total 414.2
complete 414.2
healed or old 412
total 414.2
chronic total 440.4
complete 440.4
total 440.4
hypophyseal 433.8
iliac 444.81
mesenteric (embolic) (thrombotic) (with gangrene) 557.0
pontine 433.8
precerebral NEC 433.9
late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
multiple or bilateral 433.3
puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 674.0
specified NEC 433.8
renal 593.81
retinal - see Occlusion, retina, artery
spinal 433.8
vertebral 433.2
with other precerebral artery 433.3
bilateral 433.3
basilar (artery) - see Occlusion, artery, basilar
bile duct (any) (see also Obstruction, biliary) 576.2
bowel (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9
brain (artery) (vascular) (see also Infarct, brain) 434.9
breast (duct) 611.89
carotid (artery) (common) (internal) - see Occlusion, artery, carotid
cerebellar (anterior inferior) (artery) (posterior inferior) (superior) 433.8
cerebral (artery) (see also Infarct, brain) 434.9
cerebrovascular (see also Infarct, brain) 434.9
diffuse 437.0
cervical canal (see also Stricture, cervix) 622.4
by falciparum malaria 084.0
cervix (uteri) (see also Stricture, cervix) 622.4
choanal 748.0
choroidal (artery) 433.8
colon (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9
communicating posterior artery 433.8
coronary (artery) (thrombotic) (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9
acute 410.9
without myocardial infarction 411.81
healed or old 412
cystic duct (see also Obstruction, gallbladder) 575.2
congenital 751.69
embolic - see Embolism
division I 524.22
division II 524.22
fallopian tube 628.2
congenital 752.19
gallbladder (see also Obstruction, gallbladder) 575.2
congenital 751.69
jaundice from 751.69 [744.5]
gingiva, traumatic 523.8
hymen 623.3
congenital 752.42
hypophyseal (artery) 433.8
iliac (artery) 444.81
intestine (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9
kidney 593.89
lacrimal apparatus - see Stenosis, lacrimal
lung 518.89
lymph or lymphatic channel 457.1
mammary duct 611.89
mesenteric artery (embolic) (thrombotic) (with gangrene) 557.0
nose 478.19
congenital 748.0
organ or site, congenital NEC - see Atresia
oviduct 628.2
congenital 752.19
periodontal, traumatic 523.8
peripheral arteries (lower extremity) 444.22
without thrombus or embolus (see also Arteriosclerosis, extremities) 440.20
due to stricture or stenosis 447.1
upper extremity 444.21
without thrombus or embolus (see also Arteriosclerosis, extremities) 440.20
due to stricture or stenosis 447.1
pontine (artery) 433.8
posterior lingual, of mandibular teeth 524.29
precerebral artery - see Occlusion, artery, precerebral NEC
puncta lacrimalia 375.52
pupil 364.74
pylorus (see also Stricture, pylorus) 537.0
renal artery 593.81
retina, retinal (vascular) 362.30
artery, arterial 362.30
branch 362.32
central (total) 362.31
partial 362.33
transient 362.34
tributary 362.32
vein 362.30
branch 362.36
central (total) 362.35
incipient 362.37
partial 362.37
tributary 362.36
spinal artery 433.8
coronary 996.72
teeth (mandibular) (posterior lingual) 524.29
thoracic duct 457.1
tubal 628.2
ureter (complete) (partial) 593.4
congenital 753.29
urethra (see also Stricture, urethra) 598.9
congenital 753.6
uterus 621.8
vagina 623.2
vascular NEC 459.9
vein - see Thrombosis
vena cava
inferior 453.2
superior (acute) 453.87
chronic 453.77
ventricle (brain) NEC 331.4
vertebral (artery) - see Occlusion, artery, vertebral
vessel (blood) NEC 459.9
vulva 624.8
