Osteomyelitis (general) (infective) (localized) (neonatal) (purulent) (pyogenic) (septic) (staphylococcal) (streptococcal) (suppurative) (with periostitis) 730.2
Note Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with category 730: 0 site unspecified 1 shoulder region 2 upper arm 3 forearm 4 hand 5 pelvic region and thigh 6 lower leg 7 ankle and foot 8 other specified sites 9 multiple sites
acute or subacute 730.0
chronic or old 730.1
due to or associated with
diabetes mellitus 250.8 [731.8]
due to secondary diabetes 249.8 [731.8]
tuberculosis (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9 [730.8]
limb bones 015.5 [730.8]
specified bones NEC 015.7 [730.8]
spine 015.0 [730.8]
typhoid 002.0 [730.8]
Garré's 730.1
jaw (acute) (chronic) (lower) (neonatal) (suppurative) (upper) 526.4
nonsuppurating 730.1
orbital 376.03
petrous bone (see also Petrositis) 383.20
Salmonella 003.24
sclerosing, nonsuppurative 730.1
sicca 730.1
syphilitic 095.5
congenital 090.0 [730.8]
tuberculous - see Tuberculosis, bone
typhoid 002.0 [730.8]
