Peritonitis (acute) (adhesive) (fibrinous) (hemorrhagic) (idiopathic) (localized) (perforative) (primary) (with adhesions) (with effusion) 567.9
with or following
abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis
abscess 567.21
appendicitis 540.0
with peritoneal abscess 540.1
ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0
molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0
aseptic 998.7
bacterial 567.29
spontaneous 567.23
bile, biliary 567.81
chemical 998.7
chlamydial 099.56
chronic proliferative 567.89
congenital NEC 777.6
diaphragmatic 567.22
diffuse NEC 567.29
diphtheritic 032.83
disseminated NEC 567.29
due to
bile 567.81
body or object accidentally left during a procedure (instrument) (sponge) (swab) 998.4
substance accidentally left during a procedure (chemical) (powder) (talc) 998.7
talc 998.7
urine 567.89
fibrinopurulent 567.29
fibrinous 567.29
fibrocaseous (see also Tuberculosis) 014.0
fibropurulent 567.29
general, generalized (acute) 567.21
gonococcal 098.86
in infective disease NEC 136.9 [567.0]
meconium (newborn) 777.6
pancreatic 577.8
paroxysmal, benign 277.31
female (acute) 614.5
chronic NEC 614.7
with adhesions 614.6
puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670.8
male (acute) 567.21
periodic (familial) 277.31
phlegmonous 567.29
pneumococcal 567.1
postabortal 639.0
proliferative, chronic 567.89
puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670.8
purulent 567.29
septic 567.29
spontaneous bacterial 567.23
staphylococcal 567.29
streptococcal 567.29
subdiaphragmatic 567.29
subphrenic 567.29
suppurative 567.29
syphilitic 095.2
congenital 090.0 [567.0]
talc 998.7
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 014.0
urine 567.89
