Poisoning (acute) - see also Table of Drugs and Chemicals
Bacillus, B.
aertrycke (see also Infection, Salmonella) 003.9
botulinus 005.1
cholerae (suis) (see also Infection, Salmonella) 003.9
paratyphosus (see also Infection, Salmonella) 003.9
suipestifer (see also Infection, Salmonella) 003.9
bacterial toxins NEC 005.9
berries, noxious 988.2
blood (general) - see Septicemia
botulism 005.1
bread, moldy, mouldy - see Poisoning, food
Ciguatera 988.0
damaged meat - see Poisoning, food
death-cap (Amanita phalloides) (Amanita verna) 988.1
decomposed food - see Poisoning, food
diseased food - see Poisoning, food
drug - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
epidemic, fish, meat, or other food - see Poisoning, food
fava bean 282.2
fish (bacterial) - see also Poisoning, food
noxious 988.0
food (acute) (bacterial) (diseased) (infected) NEC 005.9
due to
aertrycke (see also Poisoning, food, due to Salmonella) 003.9
botulinus 005.1
cereus 005.89
choleraesuis (see also Poisoning, food, due to Salmonella) 003.9
paratyphosus (see also Poisoning, food, due to Salmonella) 003.9
suipestifer (see also Poisoning, food, due to Salmonella) 003.9
Clostridium 005.3
botulinum 005.1
perfringens 005.2
welchii 005.2
Salmonella (aertrycke) (callinarum) (choleraesuis) (enteritidis) (paratyphi) (suipestifer) 003.9
gastroenteritis 003.0
localized infection(s) (see also Infection, Salmonella) 003.20
septicemia 003.1
specified manifestation NEC 003.8
specified bacterium NEC 005.89
Staphylococcus 005.0
Streptococcus 005.89
Vibrio parahaemolyticus 005.4
Vibrio vulnificus 005.81
noxious or naturally toxic 988.0
berries 988.2
fish 988.0
mushroom 988.1
plants NEC 988.2
ice cream - see Poisoning, food
ichthyotoxism (bacterial) 005.9
kreotoxism, food 005.9
malarial - see Malaria
meat - see Poisoning, food
mushroom (noxious) 988.1
mussel - see also Poisoning, food
noxious 988.0
noxious foodstuffs (see also Poisoning, food, noxious) 988.9
specified type NEC 988.8
plants, noxious 988.2
pork - see also Poisoning, food
specified NEC 988.8
Trichinosis 124
ptomaine - see Poisoning, food
putrefaction, food - see Poisoning, food
radiation 508.0
Salmonella (see also Infection, Salmonella) 003.9
sausage - see also Poisoning, food
Trichinosis 124
saxitoxin 988.0
shellfish - see also Poisoning, food
noxious (amnesic) (azaspiracid) (diarrheic) (neurotoxic) (paralytic) 988.0
Staphylococcus, food 005.0
toxic, from disease NEC 799.89
truffles - see Poisoning, food
uremic - see Uremia
uric acid 274.9
water 276.69
