Polyneuropathy (peripheral) 356.9
alcoholic 357.5
amyloid 277.39 [357.4]
arsenical 357.7
critical illness 357.82
demyelinating, chronic inflammatory (CIDP) 357.81
diabetic 250.6 [357.2]
due to secondary diabetes 249.6 [357.2]
due to
antitetanus serum 357.6
arsenic 357.7
drug or medicinal substance 357.6
correct substance properly administered 357.6
overdose or wrong substance given or taken 977.9
specified drug - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
lack of vitamin NEC 269.2 [357.4]
lead 357.7
organophosphate compounds 357.7
pellagra 265.2 [357.4]
porphyria 277.1 [357.4]
serum 357.6
toxic agent NEC 357.7
hereditary 356.0
idiopathic 356.9
progressive 356.4
amyloidosis 277.39 [357.4]
avitaminosis 269.2 [357.4]
specified NEC 269.1 [357.4]
beriberi 265.0 [357.4]
collagen vascular disease NEC 710.9 [357.1]
B-complex NEC 266.2 [357.4]
vitamin B 266.9 [357.4]
vitamin B6 266.1 [357.4]
diabetes 250.6 [357.2]
due to secondary diabetes 249.6 [357.2]
diphtheria (see also Diphtheria) 032.89 [357.4]
disseminated lupus erythematosus 710.0 [357.1]
herpes zoster 053.13
hypoglycemia 251.2 [357.4]
malignant neoplasm (M8000/3) NEC 199.1 [357.3]
mumps 072.72
pellagra 265.2 [357.4]
polyarteritis nodosa 446.0 [357.1]
porphyria 277.1 [357.4]
rheumatoid arthritis 714.0 [357.1]
sarcoidosis 135 [357.4]
uremia 585.9 [357.4]
lead 357.7
nutritional 269.9 [357.4]
specified NEC 269.8 [357.4]
postherpetic 053.13
progressive 356.4
sensory (hereditary) 356.2
specified NEC 356.8
