adrenarche 259.1
female (see also Cystocele, female) 618.01
male 596.89
breast implant (prosthetic) 996.54
cecostomy 569.69
cecum 569.89
cervix, cervical (hypertrophied) 618.1
anterior lip, obstructing labor 660.2
affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
congenital 752.49
postpartal (old) 618.1
stump 618.84
ciliary body 871.1
colon (pedunculated) 569.89
colostomy 569.69
conjunctiva 372.73
cord - see Prolapse, umbilical cord
cystostomy 596.83
disc (intervertebral) - see Displacement, intervertebral disc
duodenum 537.89
eye implant (orbital) 996.59
lens (ocular) 996.53
fallopian tube 620.4
fetal extremity, complicating delivery 652.8
causing obstructed labor 660.0
fetus or newborn 763.1
funis - see Prolapse, umbilical cord
gastric (mucosa) 537.89
genital, female 618.9
specified NEC 618.89
globe 360.81
ileostomy bud 569.69
intervertebral disc - see Displacement, intervertebral disc
intestine (small) 569.89
iris 364.89
traumatic 871.1
kidney (see also Disease, renal) 593.0
congenital 753.3
laryngeal muscles or ventricle 478.79
leg, complicating delivery 652.8
causing obstructed labor 660.0
fetus or newborn 763.1
liver 573.8
meatus urinarius 599.5
mitral valve 424.0
ocular lens implant 996.53
organ or site, congenital NEC - see Malposition, congenital
ovary 620.4
pelvic (floor), female 618.89
perineum, female 618.89
pregnant uterus 654.4
rectum (mucosa) (sphincter) 569.1
due to Trichuris trichiuria 127.3
spleen 289.59
stomach 537.89
umbilical cord
affecting fetus or newborn 762.4
complicating delivery 663.0
ureter 593.89
with obstruction 593.4
ureterovesical orifice 593.89
urethra (acquired) (infected) (mucosa) 599.5
congenital 753.8
uterovaginal 618.4
complete 618.3
incomplete 618.2
specified NEC 618.89
uterus (first degree) (second degree) (third degree) (complete) (without vaginal wall prolapse) 618.1
with mention of vaginal wall prolapse - see Prolapse, uterovaginal
congenital 752.39
in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4
affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
causing obstructed labor 660.2
affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
postpartal (old) 618.1
uveal 871.1
vagina (anterior) (posterior) (vault) (wall) (without uterine prolapse) 618.00
with uterine prolapse 618.4
complete 618.3
incomplete 618.2
paravaginal 618.02
posthysterectomy 618.5
specified NEC 618.09
vitreous (humor) 379.26
traumatic 871.1
womb - see Prolapse, uterus
