acute situational maladjustment (see also Reaction, adjustment) 309.9
adaptation (see also Reaction, adjustment) 309.9
adjustment 309.9
anxious mood 309.24
with depressed mood 309.28
conduct disturbance 309.3
combined with disturbance of emotions 309.4
depressed mood 309.0
brief 309.0
with anxious mood 309.28
prolonged 309.1
elective mutism 309.83
mixed emotions and conduct 309.4
mutism, elective 309.83
physical symptoms 309.82
predominant disturbance (of)
conduct 309.3
emotions NEC 309.29
mixed 309.28
mixed, emotions and conduct 309.4
specified type NEC 309.89
specific academic or work inhibition 309.23
withdrawal 309.83
depressive 309.0
with conduct disturbance 309.4
brief 309.0
prolonged 309.1
specified type NEC 309.89
adverse food NEC 995.7
affective (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.90
specified type NEC 296.99
aggressive 301.3
unsocialized (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.0
allergic (see also Allergy) 995.3
drug, medicinal substance, and biological - see Allergy, drug
due to correct medical substance properly administered 995.27
food - see Allergy, food
serum 999.59
anaphylactic - see Anaphylactic reaction
anesthesia - see Anesthesia, complication
anger 312.0
antisocial 301.7
antitoxin (prophylactic) (therapeutic) - see Complications, vaccination
anxiety 300.00
Arthus 995.21
asthenic 300.5
compulsive 300.3
conversion (anesthetic) (autonomic) (hyperkinetic) (mixed paralytic) (paresthetic) 300.11
deoxyribonuclease (DNA) (DNase) hypersensitivity NEC 287.2
depressive 300.4
acute 309.0
affective (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
brief 309.0
manic (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.80
neurotic 300.4
psychoneurotic 300.4
psychotic 298.0
dissociative 300.15
drug NEC (see also Table of Drugs and Chemicals) 995.20
allergic - see also Allergy, drug 995.27
correct substance properly administered 995.20
obstetric anesthetic or analgesic NEC 668.9
affecting fetus or newborn 763.5
specified drug - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
overdose or poisoning 977.9
specified drug - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
specific to newborn 779.4
transmitted via placenta or breast milk - see Absorption, drug, through placenta
withdrawal NEC 292.0
infant of dependent mother 779.5
wrong substance given or taken in error 977.9
specified drug - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
dyssocial 301.7
dystonic, acute, due to drugs 333.72
erysipeloid 027.1
fear 300.20
child 313.0
fluid loss, cerebrospinal 349.0
food - see also Allergy, food
adverse NEC 995.7
anaphylactic shock - see Anaphylactic reaction or shock, due to, food
body NEC 728.82
in operative wound (inadvertently left) 998.4
due to surgical material intentionally left - see Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC
substance accidentally left during a procedure (chemical) (powder) (talc) 998.7
body or object (instrument) (sponge) (swab) 998.4
graft-versus-host (GVH) 279.50
grief (acute) (brief) 309.0
prolonged 309.1
gross stress (see also Reaction, stress, acute) 308.9
group delinquent (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.2
Herxheimer's 995.91
hyperkinetic (see also Hyperkinesia) 314.9
hypochondriacal 300.7
hypoglycemic, due to insulin 251.0
therapeutic misadventure 962.3
hypomanic (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.0
recurrent episode 296.1
single episode 296.0
hysterical 300.10
conversion type 300.11
dissociative 300.15
id (bacterial cause) 692.89
immaturity NEC 301.89
aggressive 301.3
emotional instability 301.59
immunization - see Complications, vaccination
blood group (see also Complications, transfusion) 999.80
ABO (due to transfusion of blood or blood products) (see also Complications, transfusion) 999.60
minor blood group 999.89
non-ABO (see also Complications, transfusion) 999.75
Rh antigen (C) (c) (D) (E) (e) (factor) (infusion) (transfusion) (see also Complications, transfusion) 999.70
inflammatory - see Infection
infusion - see Complications, infusion
inoculation (immune serum) - see Complications, vaccination
insulin 995.23
paranoid 297.2
psychotic (see also Psychosis, affective, depressive) 296.2
leukemoid (basophilic) (lymphocytic) (monocytic) (myelocytic) (neutrophilic) 288.62
LSD (see also Abuse, drugs, nondependent) 305.3
lumbar puncture 349.0
manic-depressive (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.80
depressed 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
hypomanic 296.0
neurasthenic 300.5
neurogenic (see also Neurosis) 300.9
neurotic NEC 300.9
neurotic-depressive 300.4
nitritoid - see Crisis, nitritoid
cell mediated immunity measurement of gamma interferon antigen response without active tuberculosis 795.52
QuantiFERON-TB test (QFT) without active tuberculosis 795.52
tuberculin test (see also Reaction, tuberculin skin test) 795.51
obsessive-compulsive 300.3
organic 293.9
acute 293.0
subacute 293.1
overanxious, child or adolescent 313.0
paranoid (chronic) 297.9
acute 298.3
climacteric 297.2
involutional 297.2
menopausal 297.2
senile 290.20
simple 297.0
aggressive 301.84
dependency 301.6
personality (see also Disorder, personality) 301.9
phobic 300.20
postradiation - see Effect, adverse, radiation
psychogenic NEC 300.9
psychoneurotic (see also Neurosis) 300.9
anxiety 300.00
compulsive 300.3
conversion 300.11
depersonalization 300.6
depressive 300.4
dissociative 300.15
hypochondriacal 300.7
hysterical 300.10
conversion type 300.11
dissociative type 300.15
neurasthenic 300.5
obsessive 300.3
obsessive-compulsive 300.3
phobic 300.20
tension state 300.9
psychophysiologic NEC (see also Disorder, psychosomatic) 306.9
cardiovascular 306.2
digestive 306.4
endocrine 306.6
gastrointestinal 306.4
genitourinary 306.50
heart 306.2
hemic 306.8
intestinal (large) (small) 306.4
laryngeal 306.1
lymphatic 306.8
musculoskeletal 306.0
pharyngeal 306.1
respiratory 306.1
skin 306.3
special sense organs 306.7
psychosomatic (see also Disorder, psychosomatic) 306.9
psychotic (see also Psychosis) 298.9
depressive 298.0
due to or associated with physical condition (see also Psychosis, organic) 293.9
involutional (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
pupillary (myotonic) (tonic) 379.46
radiation - see Effect, adverse, radiation
runaway - see also Disturbance, conduct
socialized 312.2
undersocialized, unsocialized 312.1
scarlet fever toxin - see Complications, vaccination
schizophrenic (see also Schizophrenia) 295.9
latent 295.5
serological for syphilis - see Serology for syphilis
serum (prophylactic) (therapeutic) 999.59
anaphylactic 999.49
due to
administration of blood and blood products 999.51
anaphylactic 999.41
vaccination 999.52
anaphylactic 999.41
immediate 999.49
situational (see also Reaction, adjustment) 309.9
acute, to stress 308.3
adjustment (see also Reaction, adjustment) 309.9
somatization (see also Disorder, psychosomatic) 306.9
spinal puncture 349.0
spite, child (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.0
stress, acute 308.9
with predominant disturbance (of)
consciousness 308.1
emotions 308.0
mixed 308.4
psychomotor 308.2
specified type NEC 308.3
bone or cartilage - see Fracture, stress
surgical procedure - see Complications, surgical procedure
tetanus antitoxin - see Complications, vaccination
toxin-antitoxin - see Complications, vaccination
transfusion (blood) (bone marrow) (lymphocytes) (allergic) (see also Complications, transfusion) 999.80
tuberculin skin test, nonspecific (without active tuberculosis) 795.51
positive (without active tuberculosis) 795.51
ultraviolet - see Effect, adverse, ultraviolet
undersocialized, unsocialized - see also Disturbance, conduct
aggressive (type) 312.0
unaggressive (type) 312.1
vaccination (any) - see Complications, vaccination
white graft (skin) 996.52
withdrawing, child or adolescent 313.22
x-ray - see Effect, adverse, x-rays
