Schizophrenia, schizophrenic (reaction) 295.9
Note Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with category 295: 0 unspecified 1 subchronic 2 chronic 3 subchronic with acute exacerbation 4 chronic with acute exacerbation 5 in remission
acute (attack) NEC 295.8
episode 295.4
atypical form 295.8
borderline 295.5
catalepsy 295.2
catatonic (type) (acute) (excited) (withdrawn) 295.2
childhood (type) (see also Psychosis, childhood) 299.9
chronic NEC 295.6
coenesthesiopathic 295.8
cyclic (type) 295.7
disorganized (type) 295.1
flexibilitas cerea 295.2
hebephrenic (type) (acute) 295.1
incipient 295.5
latent 295.5
paranoid (type) (acute) 295.3
paraphrenic (acute) 295.3
prepsychotic 295.5
primary (acute) 295.0
prodromal 295.5
pseudoneurotic 295.5
pseudopsychopathic 295.5
reaction 295.9
residual type (state) 295.6
restzustand 295.6
schizo-affective (type) (depressed) (excited) 295.7
schizophreniform type 295.4
simple (type) (acute) 295.0
simplex (acute) 295.0
specified type NEC 295.8
syndrome of childhood NEC (see also Psychosis, childhood) 299.9
undifferentiated type 295.9
acute 295.8
chronic 295.6
