bile (duct) (see also Disease, biliary) 576.8
bronchus (see also Bronchitis) 490
cardiac (see also Failure, heart) 428.0
cecum 564.89
colon 564.89
dermatitis (see also Varix, with stasis dermatitis) 454.1
duodenal 536.8
eczema (see also Varix, with stasis dermatitis) 454.1
edema (see also Hypertension, venous) 459.30
foot 991.4
gastric 536.3
ileocecal coil 564.89
ileum 564.89
intestinal 564.89
jejunum 564.89
kidney 586
liver 571.9
cirrhotic - see Cirrhosis, liver
lymphatic 457.8
pneumonia 514
portal 571.9
pulmonary 514
rectal 564.89
renal 586
tubular 584.5
stomach 536.3
with varicose veins 454.0
without varicose veins 459.81
urine NEC (see also Retention, urine) 788.20
venous 459.81
