Uveitis (anterior) (see also Iridocyclitis) 364.3
acute or subacute 364.00
due to or associated with
gonococcal infection 098.41
herpes (simplex) 054.44
zoster 053.22
primary 364.01
recurrent 364.02
secondary (noninfectious) 364.04
infectious 364.03
allergic 360.11
chronic 364.10
due to or associated with
sarcoidosis 135 [364.11]
tuberculosis (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [364.11]
due to
operation 360.11
toxoplasmosis (acquired) 130.2
congenital (active) 771.2
granulomatous 364.10
heterochromic 364.21
lens-induced 364.23
nongranulomatous 364.00
posterior 363.20
disseminated - see Chorioretinitis, disseminated
focal - see Chorioretinitis, focal
recurrent 364.02
sympathetic 360.11
syphilitic (secondary) 091.50
congenital 090.0 [363.13]
late 095.8 [363.13]
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [364.11]
