Vomiting 787.03
with nausea 787.01
allergic 535.4
asphyxia 933.1
bilious (cause unknown) 787.04
following gastrointestinal surgery 564.3
newborn 779.32
blood (see also Hematemesis) 578.0
causing asphyxia, choking, or suffocation (see also Asphyxia, food) 933.1
cyclical 536.2
associated with migraine 346.2
psychogenic 306.4
epidemic 078.82
fecal matter 569.87
following gastrointestinal surgery 564.3
functional 536.8
psychogenic 306.4
habit 536.2
hysterical 300.11
nervous 306.4
neurotic 306.4
newborn 779.33
bilious 779.32
of or complicating pregnancy 643.9
due to
organic disease 643.8
specific cause NEC 643.8
early - see Hyperemesis, gravidarum
late (after 22 completed weeks of gestation) 643.2
pernicious or persistent 536.2
complicating pregnancy - see Hyperemesis, gravidarum
psychogenic 306.4
physiological 787.03
bilious 787.04
psychic 306.4
psychogenic 307.54
stercoral 569.89
uncontrollable 536.2
psychogenic 306.4
uremic - see Uremia
winter 078.82
