Sac, lacrimal - see condition
Saccharomyces infection (see also Candidiasis) 112.9
Saccharopinuria 270.7
Saccular - see condition
Sachs (-Tay) disease (amaurotic familial idiocy) 330.1
Sacks-Libman disease 710.0 [424.91]
Sacralgia 724.6
Sacrodynia 724.6
Sacroiliac joint - see condition
Sacroiliitis NEC 720.2
Sacrum - see condition
Sadism (sexual) 302.84
Saemisch's ulcer 370.04
Saenger's syndrome 379.46
Sago spleen 277.39
Sailors' skin 692.74
Salivary duct or gland - see also condition
Salivation (excessive) (see also Ptyalism) 527.7
Salmonella (aertrycke) (choleraesuis) (enteritidis) (gallinarum) (suipestifer) (typhimurium) (see also Infection, Salmonella) 003.9
Salmonellosis 003.0
Salpingitis (catarrhal) (fallopian tube) (nodular) (pseudofollicular) (purulent) (septic) (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) 614.2
Salpingocele 620.4
Salpingo-oophoritis (catarrhal) (purulent) (ruptured) (septic) (suppurative) 614.2
Salpingo-ovaritis (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) 614.2
Salpingoperitonitis (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) 614.2
Salt-rheum (see also Eczema) 692.9
Salzmann's nodular dystrophy 371.46
Sampson's cyst or tumor 617.1
Sander's disease (paranoia) 297.1
Sandfly fever 066.0
Sandhoff's disease 330.1
Sanfilippo's syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis III) 277.5
Sanger-Brown's ataxia 334.2
San Joaquin Valley fever 114.0
Sao Paulo fever or typhus 082.0
Saponification, mesenteric 567.89
Sapremia - see Septicemia
Sarcocele (benign)
Sarcoepiplocele (see also Hernia) 553.9
Sarcoepiplomphalocele (see also Hernia, umbilicus) 553.1
Sarcoid (any site) 135
Sarcoidosis 135
Sarcoma (M8800/3) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Sarcosinemia 270.8
Sarcosporidiosis 136.5
Satiety, early 780.94
Satisfactory smear but lacking transformation zone
Saturnine - see condition
Saturnism 984.9
Satyriasis 302.89
Sauriasis - see Ichthyosis
Sauriderma 757.39
Sauriosis - see Ichthyosis
Savill's disease (epidemic exfoliative dermatitis) 695.89
SBE (subacute bacterial endocarditis) 421.0
Scabies (any site) 133.0
Scabs 782.8
Scaglietti-Dagnini syndrome (acromegalic macrospondylitis) 253.0
Scald, scalded - see also Burn, by site
Scalenus anticus (anterior) syndrome 353.0
Scales 782.8
Scalp - see condition
Scaphocephaly 756.0
Scaphoiditis, tarsal 732.5
Scapulalgia 733.90
Scapulohumeral myopathy 359.1
Scar, scarring (see also Cicatrix) 709.2
Scarabiasis 134.1
Scarlatina 034.1
Scarlatinella 057.8
Scarlet fever (albuminuria) (angina) (convulsions) (lesions of lid) (rash) 034.1
Schamberg's disease, dermatitis, or dermatosis (progressive pigmentary dermatosis) 709.09
Schatzki's ring (esophagus) (lower) (congenital) 750.3
Schaufenster krankheit 413.9
Scheie's syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis IS) 277.5
Schenck's disease (sporotrichosis) 117.1
Scheuermann's disease or osteochondrosis 732.0
Scheuthauer-Marie-Sainton syndrome (cleidocranialis dysostosis) 755.59
Schilder (-Flatau) disease 341.1
Schilling-type monocytic leukemia (M9890/3) 206.9
Schimmelbusch's disease, cystic mastitis, or hyperplasia 610.1
Schirmer's syndrome (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6
Schistocelia 756.79
Schistoglossia 750.13
Schistosoma infestation - see Infestation, Schistosoma
Schistosomiasis 120.9
Schizencephaly 742.4
Schizo-affective psychosis (see also Schizophrenia) 295.7
Schizodontia 520.2
Schizoid personality 301.20
Schizophrenia, schizophrenic (reaction) 295.9
Schizothymia 301.20
Schlafkrankheit 086.5
Schlatter's tibia (osteochondrosis) 732.4
Schlatter-Osgood disease (osteochondrosis, tibial tubercle) 732.4
Schloffer's tumor (see also Peritonitis) 567.29
Schmidt's syndrome
Schmitz (-Stutzer) dysentery 004.0
Schmorl's disease or nodes 722.30
Schneider's syndrome 047.9
Schnitzler syndrome 273.1
Schoffer's tumor (see also Peritonitis) 567.29
Scholte's syndrome (malignant carcinoid) 259.2
Scholz's disease 330.0
Scholz (-Bielschowsky-Henneberg) syndrome 330.0
Schönlein (-Henoch) disease (primary) (purpura) (rheumatic) 287.0
School examination V70.3
Schottmüller's disease (see also Fever, paratyphoid) 002.9
Schroeder's syndrome (endocrine-hypertensive) 255.3
Schüller-Christian disease or syndrome (chronic histiocytosis X) 277.89
Schultz's disease or syndrome (agranulocytosis) 288.09
Schultze's acroparesthesia, simple 443.89
Schwalbe-Ziehen-Oppenheimer disease 333.6
Schwannoma (M9560/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissues, benign
Schwannomatosis 237.73
Schwartz (-Jampel) syndrome 359.23
Schwartz-Bartter syndrome (inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone) 253.6
Schweninger-Buzzi disease (macular atrophy) 701.3
Sciatic - see condition
Sciatica (infectional) 724.3
Scimitar syndrome (anomalous venous drainage, right lung to inferior vena cava) 747.49
Sclera - see condition
Sclerectasia 379.11
Scleriasis - see Scleroderma
Scleritis 379.00
Sclerochoroiditis (see also Scleritis) 379.00
Scleroconjunctivitis (see also Scleritis) 379.00
Sclerocystic ovary (syndrome) 256.4
Sclerodactylia 701.0
Scleroderma, sclerodermia (acrosclerotic) (diffuse) (generalized) (progressive) (pulmonary) 710.1
Sclerokeratitis 379.05
Scleroma, trachea 040.1
Scleromyxedema 701.8
Scleroperikeratitis 379.05
Sclerose en plaques 340
Sclerosis, sclerotic
Sclerotenonitis 379.07
Sclerotitis (see also Scleritis) 379.00
Scoliosis (acquired) (postural) 737.30
Scoliotic pelvis 738.6
Scorbutus, scorbutic 267
Scotoma (ring) 368.44
Scratch - see Injury, superficial, by site
Scratchy throat 784.99
Screening (for) V82.9
Scrofula (see also Tuberculosis) 017.2
Scrofulide (primary) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0
Scrofuloderma, scrofulodermia (any site) (primary) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0
Scrofulosis (universal) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.2
Scrofulosis lichen (primary) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0
Scrofulous - see condition
Scrotal tongue 529.5
Scrotum - see condition
Scurvy (gum) (infantile) (rickets) (scorbutic) 267
Sea-blue histiocyte syndrome 272.7
Seabright-Bantam syndrome (pseudohypoparathyroidism) 275.49
Sealpox 059.12
Seasickness 994.6
Seatworm 127.4
Sebocystomatosis 706.2
Seborrhea, seborrheic 706.3
Seckel's syndrome 759.89
Seclusion pupil 364.74
Seclusiveness, child 313.22
Secondary - see also condition
Secretan's disease or syndrome (posttraumatic edema) 782.3
Seeligmann's syndrome (ichthyosis congenita) 757.1
Segmentation, incomplete (congenital) - see also Fusion
Seizure(s) 780.39
Self-mutilation 300.9
Semicoma 780.09
Semiconsciousness 780.09
Seminoma (M9061/3)
Semliki Forest encephalitis 062.8
Senear-Usher disease or syndrome (pemphigus erythematosus) 694.4
Senecio jacobae dermatitis 692.6
Senectus 797
Senescence 797
Senile (see also condition) 797
Senility 797
Sense loss (touch) (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0
Sensibility disturbance NEC (cortical) (deep) (vibratory) (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0
Sensitive dentine 521.89
Sensitiver Beziehungswahn 297.8
Sensitivity, sensitization - see also Allergy
Sepsis (generalized) 995.91
Septate - see also Septum
Septic - see also condition
Septicemia, septicemic (generalized) (suppurative) 038.9
Septum, septate (congenital) - see also Anomaly, specified type NEC
Sequoiosis asthma 495.8
Serology for syphilis
Seroma - (postoperative) (non-infected) 998.13
Seropurulent - see condition
Serositis, multiple 569.89
Serotonin syndrome 333.99
Serous - see condition
Sertoli cell
Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor (M8631/0)
Sesamoiditis 733.99
Seven-day fever 061
Sever's disease or osteochondrosis (calcaneum) 732.5
Sex chromosome mosaics 758.81
Sex reassignment surgery status (see also Trans-sexualism) 302.50
Sexuality, pathological (see also Deviation, sexual) 302.9
Sézary's disease, reticulosis, or syndrome (M9701/3) 202.2
Shadow, lung 793.19
Shaken infant syndrome 995.55
Shallowness, acetabulum 736.39
Shaver's disease or syndrome (bauxite pneumoconiosis) 503
Sheath (tendon) - see condition
Sheehan's disease or syndrome (postpartum pituitary necrosis) 253.2
Shelf, rectal 569.49
Shield kidney 753.3
Shift, mediastinal 793.2
Shigella (dysentery) (see also Dysentery, bacillary) 004.9
Shigellosis (see also Dysentery, bacillary) 004.9
Shingles (see also Herpes, zoster) 053.9
Shin splints 844.9
Shipyard eye or disease 077.1
Shirodkar suture, in pregnancy 654.5
Shock 785.50
Shoemakers' chest 738.3
Short, shortening, shortness
Shortsightedness 367.1
Shoshin (acute fulminating beriberi) 265.0
Shoulder - see condition
Shovel-shaped incisors 520.2
Shower, thromboembolic - see Embolism
Shunt (status)
Shwachman's syndrome 288.02
Shy-Drager syndrome (orthostatic hypotension with multisystem degeneration) 333.0
Sialadenitis (any gland) (chronic) (supportive) 527.2
Sialadenosis, periodic 527.2
Sialaporia 527.7
Sialectasia 527.8
Sialitis 527.2
Sialoadenitis (see also Sialadenitis) 527.2
Sialoangitis 527.2
Sialodochitis (fibrinosa) 527.2
Sialodocholithiasis 527.5
Sialolithiasis 527.5
Sialorrhea (see also Ptyalism) 527.7
Sialosis 527.8
Siamese twin 759.4
Sicard's syndrome 352.6
Sicca syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis) 710.2
Sick 799.9
Sicklemia (see also Disease, sickle-cell) 282.60
Sick sinus syndrome 427.81
Sideropenia (see also Anemia, iron deficiency) 280.9
Siderosis (lung) (occupational) 503
Siegal-Cattan-Mamou disease (periodic) 277.31
Siemens' syndrome
Sighing respiration 786.7
Sigmoiditis - see Enteritis
Silfverskiöld's syndrome 756.50
Silicosis, silicotic (complicated) (occupational) (simple) 502
Silicotuberculosis (see also Tuberculosis) 011.4
Silo fillers' disease 506.9
Silver's syndrome (congenital hemihypertrophy and short stature 759.89
Silver wire arteries, retina 362.13
Silvestroni-Bianco syndrome (thalassemia minima) 282.46
Simian crease 757.2
Simmonds' cachexia or disease (pituitary cachexia) 253.2
Simons' disease or syndrome (progressive lipodystrophy) 272.6
Simple, simplex - see condition
Sinding-Larsen disease (juvenile osteopathia patellae) 732.4
Singapore hemorrhagic fever 065.4
Singers' node or nodule 478.5
Singultus 786.8
Sinus - see also Fistula
Sinuses, Rokitansky-Aschoff (see also Disease, gallbladder) 575.8
Sinusitis (accessory) (nasal) (hyperplastic) (nonpurulent) (purulent) (chronic) 473.9
Sinusitis-bronchiectasis-situs inversus (syndrome) (triad) 759.3
Sipple's syndrome (medullary thyroid carcinoma-pheochromocytoma) 258.02
Sirenomelia 759.89
Siriasis 992.0
Sirkari's disease 085.0
SIRS (systemic inflammatory response syndrome) 995.90
Siti 104.0
Sitophobia 300.29
Situation, psychiatric 300.9
Situs inversus or transversus 759.3
Sixth disease
Sjögren (-Gougerot) syndrome or disease (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) 710.2
Sjögren-Larsson syndrome (ichthyosis congenita) 757.1
SJS-TEN (Stevens-Johnson syndrome-toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap syndrome) 695.14
Skeletal - see condition
Skene's gland - see condition
Skenitis (see also Urethritis) 597.89
Skerljevo 104.0
Skevas-Zerfus disease 989.5
Skin - see also condition
SLAP lesion (superior glenoid labrum) 840.7
Slate-dressers' lung 502
Slate-miners' lung 502
Sleeping sickness 086.5
Sleeplessness (see also Insomnia) 780.52
Slipped, slipping
Slocumb's syndrome 255.3
Sloughing (multiple) (skin) 686.9
Sluder's neuralgia or syndrome 337.09
Slurred, slurring, speech 784.59
Small, smallness
Small-for-dates (see also Light-for-dates) 764.0
Smallpox 050.9
Smearing, fecal 787.62
Smith's fracture (separation) (closed) 813.41
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (cerebrohepatorenal syndrome) 759.89
Smith-Magenis syndrome 758.33
Smith-Strang disease (oasthouse urine) 270.2
Smoking complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium 649.0
Smothering spells 786.09
Snaggle teeth, tooth 524.39
Sneddon-Wilkinson disease or syndrome (subcorneal pustular dermatosis) 694.1
Sneezing 784.99
Snoring 786.09
Snow blindness 370.24
Snuffles (nonsyphilitic) 460
Social migrant V60.0
Sodoku 026.0
Soemmering's ring 366.51
Soft - see also condition
Soiling, fecal 787.62
Solar fever 061
Somatization reaction, somatic reaction (see also Disorder, psychosomatic) 306.9
Somatoform disorder 300.82
Somnambulism 307.46
Somnolence 780.09
Sonne dysentery 004.3
Soor 112.0
Sotos' syndrome (cerebral gigantism) 253.0
South African cardiomyopathy syndrome 425.2
South American
Southeast Asian hemorrhagic fever 065.4
Spacing, teeth, abnormal 524.30
Spade-like hand (congenital) 754.89
Spading nail 703.8
Spanemia 285.9
Spanish collar 605
Sparganosis 123.5
Spasm, spastic, spasticity (see also condition) 781.0
Spasmodic - see condition
Spasmophilia (see also Tetany) 781.7
Spasmus nutans 307.3
Spastic - see also Spasm
Spasticity - see also Spasm
Speakers' throat 784.49
Specific, specified - see condition
Spells 780.39
Spencer's disease (epidemic vomiting) 078.82
Spens' syndrome (syncope with heart block) 426.9
Spermatic cord - see condition
Spermatocele 608.1
Spermatocystitis 608.4
Spermatocytoma (M9063/3)
Spermatorrhea 608.89
Sperm counts
Sphacelus (see also Gangrene) 785.4
Sphenoidal - see condition
Sphenoiditis (chronic) (see also Sinusitis, sphenoidal) 473.3
Sphenopalatine ganglion neuralgia 337.09
Sphericity, increased, lens 743.36
Spherocytosis (congenital) (familial) (hereditary) 282.0
Spherophakia 743.36
Sphincter - see condition
Sphincteritis, sphincter of Oddi (see also Cholecystitis) 576.8
Sphingolipidosis 272.7
Sphingolipodystrophy 272.7
Sphingomyelinosis 272.7
Spicule tooth 520.2
Spiegler-Fendt sarcoid 686.8
Spielmeyer-Stock disease 330.1
Spielmeyer-Vogt disease 330.1
Spina bifida (aperta) 741.9
Spindle, Krukenberg's 371.13
Spine, spinal - see condition
Spiradenoma (eccrine) (M8403/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign
Spirillosis NEC (see also Fever, relapsing) 087.9
Spirillum minus 026.0
Spirillum obermeieri infection 087.0
Spirochetal - see condition
Spirochetosis 104.9
Spitting blood (see also Hemoptysis) 786.30
Splanchnomegaly 569.89
Splanchnoptosis 569.89
Spleen, splenic - see also condition
Splenectasis (see also Splenomegaly) 789.2
Splenitis (interstitial) (malignant) (nonspecific) 289.59
Splenocele 289.59
Splenomegalia - see Splenomegaly
Splenomegalic - see condition
Splenomegaly 789.2
Splenopathy 289.50
Splenopneumonia - see Pneumonia
Splenoptosis 289.59
Splinter - see Injury, superficial, by site
Split, splitting
Spoiled child reaction (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.1
Spondylarthritis (see also Spondylosis) 721.90
Spondylarthrosis (see also Spondylosis) 721.90
Spondylitis 720.9
Spondyloarthrosis (see also Spondylosis) 721.90
Spondylolisthesis (congenital) (lumbosacral) 756.12
Spondylolysis (congenital) 756.11
Spondylose rhizomelique 720.0
Spondylosis 721.90
Spongioblastoma (M9422/3)
Spongiocytoma (M9400/3)
Spongioneuroblastoma (M9504/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant
Spontaneous - see also condition
Spoon nail 703.8
Sporadic - see condition
Sporotrichosis (bones) (cutaneous) (disseminated) (epidermal) (lymphatic) (lymphocutaneous) (mucous membranes) (pulmonary) (skeletal) (visceral) 117.1
Sporotrichum schenckii infection 117.1
Spots, spotting
Spotted fever - see Fever, spotted
Sprain, strain (joint) (ligament) (muscle) (tendon) 848.9
Sprengel's deformity (congenital) 755.52
Spring fever 309.23
Sprue 579.1
Spur - see also Exostosis
Spuria placenta - see Placenta, abnormal
Spurway's syndrome (brittle bones and blue sclera) 756.51
Sputum, abnormal (amount) (color) (excessive) (odor) (purulent) 786.4
Squamous - see also condition
Squashed nose 738.0
Squeeze, divers' 993.3
Squint (see also Strabismus) 378.9
Stab - see also Wound, open, by site
Staggering gait 781.2
Staghorn calculus 592.0
Stahli's pigment lines (cornea) 371.11
Stain, staining
Stammering (see also Disorder, fluency) 315.35
Stannosis 503
Stanton's disease (melioidosis) 025
Staphylitis (acute) (catarrhal) (chronic) (gangrenous) (membranous) (suppurative) (ulcerative) 528.3
Staphylococcemia 038.10
Staphylococcus, staphylococcal - see condition
Staphyloderma (skin) 686.00
Staphyloma 379.11
Starch eating 307.52
Stargardt's disease 362.75
Starvation (inanition) (due to lack of food) 994.2
Status (post)
Stave fracture - see Fracture, metacarpus, metacarpal bone(s)
Stealing, solitary, child problem (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.1
Steam burn - see Burn, by site
Steatocystoma multiplex 706.2
Steatoma (infected) 706.2
Steatorrhea (chronic) 579.8
Steatosis 272.8
Steele-Richardson (-Olszewski) Syndrome 333.0
Stein's syndrome (polycystic ovary) 256.4
Stein-Leventhal syndrome (polycystic ovary) 256.4
Steinbrocker's syndrome (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9
Steinert's disease 359.21
STEMI (ST elevation myocardial infarction) (see also - Infarct, myocardium, ST elevation) 410.9
Stenocardia (see also Angina) 413.9
Stenocephaly 756.0
Stenosis (cicatricial) - see also Stricture
Stent jail 996.72
Stercolith (see also Fecalith) 560.32
Stercoraceous, stercoral ulcer 569.82
Stereopsis, defective
Stereotypies NEC 307.3
Sterilization, admission for V25.2
Sternalgia (see also Angina) 413.9
Sternopagus 759.4
Sternum bifidum 756.3
Sternutation 784.99
Stevens-Johnson disease or syndrome (erythema multiforme exudativum) 695.13
Stewart-Morel syndrome (hyperostosis frontalis interna) 733.3
Sticker's disease (erythema infectiosum) 057.0
Stickler syndrome 759.89
Sticky eye 372.03
Stieda's disease (calcification, knee joint) 726.62
Stiff-baby 759.89
Stiff-man syndrome 333.91
Stiffness, joint NEC 719.50
Stigmata, congenital syphilis 090.5
Still's disease or syndrome 714.30
Still-Felty syndrome (rheumatoid arthritis with splenomegaly and leukopenia) 714.1
Stillbirth, stillborn NEC 779.9
Stiller's disease (asthenia) 780.79
Stilling-Türk-Duane syndrome (ocular retraction syndrome) 378.71
Stimulation, ovary 256.1
Sting (animal) (bee) (fish) (insect) (jellyfish) (Portuguese man-o-war) (wasp) (venomous) 989.5
Stippled epiphyses 756.59
Stojano's (subcostal) syndrome 098.86
Stokes' disease (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0
Stokes-Adams syndrome (syncope with heart block) 426.9
Stokvis' (-Talma) disease (enterogenous cyanosis) 289.7
Stomach - see condition
Stoma malfunction
Stomatitis 528.00
Stomatocytosis 282.8
Stomatomycosis 112.0
Stomatorrhagia 528.9
Stone(s) - see also Calculus
Stonecutters' lung 502
Storm, thyroid (apathetic) (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9
Strabismus (alternating) (congenital) (nonparalytic) 378.9
Strain - see also Sprain, by site
Strangulation, strangulated 994.7
Strangury 788.1
Straw itch 133.8
Streak, ovarian 752.0
Strephosymbolia 315.01
Streptobacillary fever 026.1
Streptobacillus moniliformis 026.1
Streptococcemia 038.0
Streptococcicosis - see Infection, streptococcal
Streptococcus, streptococcal - see condition
Streptoderma 686.00
Streptomycosis - see Actinomycosis
Streptothricosis - see Actinomycosis
Streptothrix - see Actinomycosis
Streptotrichosis - see Actinomycosis
Stress 308.9
Stretching, nerve - see Injury, nerve, by site
Striae (albicantes) (atrophicae) (cutis distensae) (distensae) 701.3
Striations of nails 703.8
Stricture (see also Stenosis) 799.89
Stridor 786.1
Stridulous - see condition
Strippling of nails 703.8
Stroke 434.91
Stromatosis, endometrial (M8931/1) 236.0
Strong pulse 785.9
Strongyloides stercoralis infestation 127.2
Strongyloidiasis 127.2
Strongyloidosis 127.2
Strongylus (gibsoni) infestation 127.7
Strophulus (newborn) 779.89
Struck by lighting 994.0
Struma (see also Goiter) 240.9
Strumipriva cachexia (see also Hypothyroidism) 244.9
Strümpell-Marie disease or spine (ankylosing spondylitis) 720.0
Strümpell-Westphal pseudosclerosis (hepatolenticular degeneration) 275.1
Stuart's disease (congenital factor X deficiency) (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.3
Stuart-Prower factor deficiency (congenital factor X deficiency) (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.3
Students' elbow 727.2
Stuffy nose 478.19
Stump - see also Amputation
Stupor 780.09
Sturge (-Weber) (-Dimitri) disease or syndrome (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6
Sturge-Kalischer-Weber syndrome (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6
Stuttering 315.35
Sty, stye 373.11
Subacidity, gastric 536.8
Subacute - see condition
Subarachnoid - see condition
Subclavian steal syndrome 435.2
Subcortical - see condition
Subcostal syndrome 098.86
Subcutaneous, subcuticular - see condition
Subdelirium 293.1
Subdural - see condition
Subendocardium - see condition
Subependymoma (M9383/1) 237.5
Suberosis 495.3
Subglossitis - see Glossitis
Subhemophilia 286.0
Subinvolution (uterus) 621.1
Sublingual - see condition
Sublinguitis 527.2
Subluxation - see also Dislocation, by site
Submaxillary - see condition
Submersion (fatal) (nonfatal) 994.1
Submissiveness (undue), in child 313.0
Submucous - see condition
Subnormal, subnormality
Subphrenic - see condition
Subscapular nerve - see condition
Subseptus uterus 752.35
Subsiding appendicitis 542
Substance abuse in family V61.42
Substernal thyroid (see also Goiter) 240.9
Substitution disorder 300.11
Subtentorial - see condition
Subthyroidism (acquired) (see also Hypothyroidism) 244.9
Succenturiata placenta - see Placenta, abnormal
Succussion sounds, chest 786.7
Sucking thumb, child 307.9
Sudamen 705.1
Sudamina 705.1
Sudanese kala-azar 085.0
Sudeck's atrophy, disease, or syndrome 733.7
SUDS (Sudden unexplained death) 798.2
Suffocation (see also Asphyxia) 799.01
Suicide, suicidal (attempted)
Suipestifer infection (see also Infection, Salmonella) 003.9
Sulfatidosis 330.0
Sulfhemoglobinemia, sulphemoglobinemia (acquired) (congenital) 289.7
Sumatran mite fever 081.2
Summer - see condition
Sunburn 692.71
SUNCT (short lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing) 339.05
Sunstroke 992.0
Superfecundation 651.9
Superfetation 651.9
Superinvolution uterus 621.8
Supernumerary (congenital)
Supervision (of)
Supplemental teeth 520.1
Suppuration, suppurative - see also condition
Supraeruption, teeth 524.34
Supraglottitis 464.50
Suprapubic drainage 596.89
Suprarenal (gland) - see condition
Suprascapular nerve - see condition
Suprasellar - see condition
Supraspinatus syndrome 726.10
Surfer knots 919.8
Suspected condition, ruled out (see also Observation, suspected) V71.9
Suspended uterus, in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4
Sutton's disease 709.09
Sutton and Gull's disease (arteriolar nephrosclerosis) (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90
Swab inadvertently left in operation wound 998.4
Swallowed, swallowing
Swamp fever 100.89
Swan neck hand (intrinsic) 736.09
Sweat(s), sweating
Sweeley-Klionsky disease (angiokeratoma corporis diffusum) 272.7
Sweet's syndrome (acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis) 695.89
Swelling 782.3
Swift's disease 985.0
Swimming in the head 780.4
Swollen - see also Swelling
Swyer-James syndrome (unilateral hyperlucent lung) 492.8
Swyer's syndrome (XY pure gonadal dysgenesis) 752.7
Sycosis 704.8
Sydenham's chorea - see Chorea, Sydenham's
Sylvatic yellow fever 060.0
Sylvest's disease (epidemic pleurodynia) 074.1
Symblepharon 372.63
Symonds' syndrome 348.2
Sympathetic - see condition
Sympatheticotonia (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9
Sympathicoblastoma (M9500/3)
Sympathicogonioma (M9500/3) - see Sympathicoblastoma
Sympathoblastoma (M9500/3) - see Sympathicoblastoma
Sympathogonioma (M9500/3) - see Sympathicoblastoma
Symphalangy (see also Syndactylism) 755.10
Symptoms, specified (general) NEC 780.99
Sympus 759.89
Synarthrosis 719.80
Syncephalus 759.4
Synchondrosis 756.9
Synchysis (senile) (vitreous humor) 379.21
Syncope (near) (pre-) 780.2
Syncytial infarct - see Placenta, abnormal
Syndactylism, syndactyly (multiple sites) 755.10
Syndrome - see also Disease
Synechia (iris) (pupil) 364.70
Synesthesia (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0
Synodontia 520.2
Synophthalmus 759.89
Synorchidism 752.89
Synorchism 752.89
Synostosis (congenital) 756.59
Synovial - see condition
Synovioma (M9040/3) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Synoviosarcoma (M9040/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Synovitis (see also Tenosynovitis) 727.00
Syphilide 091.3
Syphilis, syphilitic (acquired) 097.9
Syphiloma 095.9
Syphilophobia 300.29
Syringadenoma (M8400/0) - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign
Syringobulbia 336.0
Syringocarcinoma (M8400/3) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant
Syringocystadenoma (M8400/0) - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign
Syringocystoma (M8407/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign
Syringoma (M8407/0) - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign
Syringomyelia 336.0
Syringomyelitis 323.9
Syringomyelocele (see also Spina bifida) 741.9
Syringopontia 336.0
System, systemic - see also condition
